part one

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the streets were packed with souvenir shops and jun wasn't going to waste anymore time just hovering outside those shops while those little cute souvenir gifts were waving at her.

hyejin took a face mask that looked like a goblin and put it on her face. she tapped on jun's shoulders, making her turn around to face an ugly looking creature behind her. jun stood there looking emotionless for a moment before saying, "you do realize i don't get easily scared, right?"

taehyung who had just seen the mask on hyejin's face snorted and said, "you look like yourself."

she punched his' arms and took the mask off. he rubbed his arms and looked at her with a disgusted expression. "can you actually try being a little feminine? god, your six packs are probably more built than mine."

hyejin let out a laugh. "the question is, do you even have six packs?"

jun ignored both of them who bickered 24/7. she had learnt that trying to stop those idiots from fighting is like trying to stop hermione from being too smart, or like trying to stop harry from being too clueless all the damn time.

the three of them had been best friends ever since they were in their mothers' wombs. which means their mothers were also best friends who were pregnant at the exact same year. they actually planned to get pregnant because why not?

hyejin was the oldest among them, and she often acted like the sister to both taehyung and jun. jun didnt mind one bit, she even liked the idea of having an older sister since she only had a brother, haneul. but taehyung felt the opposite, he didnt like it when hyejin pat his head like he was a little kid when in fact he was a few inches taller than her.

taehyung lived next door to jun. they often walked to school together. sometimes he let jun sit behind him on his bicycle. he liked it when she had her arms around his waist. its not like hyejin didnt notice his idiot-like grin every time they rode bicycles side by side together. she often teased him about his cute little crush on jun (thats also part of the reason why they always bickered) though jun never seemed to notice.

jun was never interested in joining the school field trip but after taehyung had insisted they were going to lots of interesting places and lots of things that caught her interest, she ended up being the one who seemed the most excited about the trip. she even saved her lunch money for it.

"i thought she would never get out of her bed during the holidays," hyejin said.

"true that," taehyung replied. the only thing they probably found agreement on would be of jun.

jun went out of the shop and went to the next one she thought sparked her interest. she saw a bunch of colourful fridge magnets on a shelf and immediately thought of her mother. eomma would definitely hang this on the fridge with hundreds of other fridge magnets already stuck on it. after buying a few fridge magnets, she got lost again in the sea of beautiful shops.

she was so absorbed in buying gifts for her family and neighbours that she never seemed to notice that the sun was setting down on the horizon. she never noticed that taehyung or hyejin didn't bicker next to her. in fact, she was glad to not hear those childish yelling ringing in her ears.

until her mind began to pick some sense and took notice of her almost dark surrounding. that she was all alone in an unknown island with bags of souvenirs attached at her hands.

and the horrible thing is she realized her phone went dead.

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