Chapter 3: Tia Was Nearly Touched By Ginger Hair Douche ( Ethan, Tia )

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( Ethan)

" Okay, everyone. Gather around. We'll be separating you all into groups of 10 people each. We want everyone to at least know someone in this academy to avoid isolation amongst you," our teacher, Mr. Lame ( I'm not joking, that's his real name ) informed us.

At first, I thought that would be impossible because there's roughly 500,000 people in this field, but apparently the teachers use their Core to separate and organized us into groups. A Core that looks like a badass mutant eagle ( I wish I had that but I'm stuck with an annoying reptile ) guide me and group me with a certain crowd.

In my group, there was Sam ( who waved at me ), Stella ( she eyed at me ), Jim ( that douche is here, screw my luck ), and Cody ( honestly, he creeps me out ). When I sat with the group, I noticed Tia was at the opposite direction of the circle. Fortunately, Stella and Sam were by her side ( I prefer anyone but Jim ). The teacher announced, " Now, we would like you to spend at least half an hour to play an activity according to your liking. This may help bring you all closer together. Any question?" A guy raised his hands, " Any activity?" he said with anticipation. " As long as it DOES NOT involve sexual or romantic issues, along with heavy violence," the teacher warned. " AWWWW!" I heard some people groaning in disappointment.

" If there's no other questions, let's begin," and with that the teacher walk back to the edge of the field. I looked back at my group. Jim was beside Cody, who was beside me. Stella pondered, " So, what are we going to do?" Sam offered, " Maybe we should play a game. A simple game like charades." Cody raised his hand. " How about we play ' Punch Ethan?'" he suggested. " Wait, what?" I fretted.

" I got a better idea!"

Suddenly, Jim placed a glass bottle in the middle of our circle. " How about we play 'Truth or Dare,' shall we?" he gleefully smiled. I have the urge to say, " How about no, you slimy dirty hog!" But it doesn't seem that anyone object it, so I had no choice but to play along. " Okay, who starts first?" a girl in my group asked. "I'll start," Jim piped up with that sly smile. He turned the bottle clockwise. Please don't point at Tia, I thought to myself. The tip of the bottle pointed at Cody, thank god. Jim said, " Truth or Dare?" Cody scoffed, " Dare, ginger head." " I dare you to hit someone you despise in this group," Jim smirked. Without hesitation, Cody punched me in the face.

" Ow!" I cried. Jim chuckled, while Cody grinned, " Good. Now I feel satisfied." " Why do you hate me?" I demanded. Ignoring me ( yes, I'm crying inside ), Cody flipped the bottle. The bottle ended up pointing at Sam. " Truth or Dare?" Cody roared in a yakuza way. " Um, truth?" Sam kept his calm, although he's confuse. " Why are you a friend to this faggot?" he detested me. I felt a sword of rejection stab through my heart. I sulked in despair.

" Well, if you get to know him, he's actually a swell guy. You just need to make an effort," he defended as he spun the bottle. This time, it aimed at me. " Truth or Dare?" he rest his chin on his fist, looking for an opening. He's going to make me do something embarrassing. If I pick truth, he'll said who do I have a crush on. If dare, he'll make me hug someone I like. But I have to answer, " Dare." Wow, I just raised my death flag.

" I dare you to undress at least one thing you're wearing right now," he dared me. " OOOOHHHHH!!!" Jim, Cody and two other guys chorused. A girl blushed. Tia face palmed herself, as if to say, " What the hell is wrong with them?" Stella made an excellent poker face. I glared daggers at Sam, before I realised that he was looking at my feet and then stared at me, then back to my feet. I realised his plan. To try and communicate with Tia through this game.

I took off one side of my shoe and placed it next to me. With a smug, I gloated, " I have undress my shoe, so it counts." Cody spatted. The girl sighed in relief. Tia looked at me with amusement. I spun the bottle. Everyone looked at the spinning glass. It decelerated and pointed at the person the opposite of me.

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