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Working for Paradise Company was something many would refer to as "dream job". It was an enormous publishing house, a big empire that owned eight different magazines considered as America's most popular. There was the scientific one, the gastronomy one, the sports one, four more others and then it came the one I had recently started to work for: Fabulous Me.

Yeah, its name was probably not the most original one, but it did have thousands of readers each month that were eager to know everything today's women needed.

I was really happy there, I felt over the moon and couldn't be prouder of myself, but I was also damn mad at the bosses for organizing the closing annual ceremony on Christmas Eve.

Two weeks before the event I had had a discussion with my boss concerning that topic, which almost cost me my job. It was going to be my first holiday season as a Paradise Co. employee, so I didn't get why the ceremony had to be on that specific date. I knew it was essential for the personnel to review the annual progress and see the new projects for the following year. But still, who wanted to spend their Christmas Eve stuck in a restaurant listening to statics and financial incomes?

"The top managers have always held the event on that day" my boss had explained to me "They like to make it on that night. Besides, we have dinner and get to attend one of the fanciest restaurants in New York City. I can't see why you oppose to it"

"I'm not opposing" I had told him in a defensive tone, which I quickly changed to a passive one to avoid trouble "I just feel like it would be much better to organize it on a... less festive day. For example-"

"Miss Swan!" He had cut me off with an authoritarian voice that almost made jump out of my seat at the conference room. "They are the ones that get to decide when and how they spend the money for these things. It's been that way for years. And before you make the question, yes, your presence is obligatory. So if you don't agree with our terms I'm gonna ask you to leave this room"

I simply couldn't afford to be fired. So yeah, as you can imagine, I decided to shut up and let Mr. Tremblay continue with the conference.

And suddenly, there I was, reluctantly entering the place where the event was going to be held on a chilly Christmas Eve.

I could be watching one of those typical holiday movies right now. I thought. I could even be drinking hot cocoa with cinnamon and a big fatty piece of cake.

"Name" a man asked at the entrance.

"Swan. Emma Swan"

He nodded after checking my name on his electronic tablet and opened the door for me. I was expecting to see a surprising place with fancy chandeliers on the top and elegant decorations that would make me believe I was in heaven. Instead, I found myself in front of a poorly ornamented restaurant with ugly tablecloths, a dim light that made you feel drowsy and a horrible view of the back of a building.

Even Scrooge would pay a much better place than this. I thought.

I looked around with a grimace on my face and headed towards the spot that seemed to be the least terrible.

The bar.

"Scotch, please" I told the bartender in a rush as soon as I arrived. He nodded and turned around to serve it.

"First time here?" A male voice asked me. I had taken a seat so quickly that I hadn't even notice there was someone next to me.

I frowned, turning my gaze to him "How do you know that?"

He leaned his arms on the bar and smiled "I could recognize that 'I hate this place' expression anywhere" he said "I had the same one on my first time here too. And coincidentally I had also asked for a scotch"

I smiled "How many times have you attended these things?"

"Ah, this is the third one" he replied, taking a sip of his rum.

"Oh God. I want to die and it hasn't even begun. I can't imagine how you feel"

"Believe me, love, you don't want to. It's always the same. First the disgusting dinner, then thirty minutes to chat, and then... the most expected moment of the night: the three-hour year's review" he explained, giving his last sentence a hint of sass.

"Wait. Disgusting dinner?"

"Have you ever been to Uncle Ray's Steak House?"

"Uh yes. It sucks. Why?"

"Well, I'd rather eat one of those extra greasy, plastic flavored hamburgers than the food they give you here"

If he's preferring Uncle Ray's food then tonight's dinner is obviously the worst.

"Shit, I knew I should've eaten at home before coming"

"Aye, or you could've kept some cookies inside your purse. I would've done that, but it's harder as a guy because I can't simply put food inside my pants' pockets"

We both laughed and realized I hadn't introduced myself "I'm Emma, by the way"

"Killian" he said with a cute smile "For which magazine do you work for?"

"Fabulous Me" I answered after taking a sip of the scotch that had just arrived "And you? Wait, let me guess..."

I stared at Killian for a brief moment, like trying to decipher an enigma.

"Match" I finally said, referring to the sports magazine.

"How did you know?" He asked surprised.

"Don't tell anyone but I have the ability to know a person's life by just gazing at their eyes" I said with a mysterious voice.

He pursed his lips in confusion before I laughed.

"You have a pin on your suit with the magazine's name'" I said giggling.

Killian chuckled, he seemed to had liked my joke "Clever, very clever"

"I know" I answered with a grin before maintaining eye contact with him for a couple of seconds.

We broke it when a lady, standing at the front of the restaurant, announced through the microphone that dinner was about to start, so it was time for us to take our seats. Tables were assigned depending on the magazine you worked for, so it was time to leave Killian's side.

"Try not to fall asleep during the review" I told him, standing up and taking my glass.

"Don't worry about me, I have some entertaining games in my phone" he smiled "And this place has Wi-Fi"

"That's great news" I said "Well, enjoy the dinner... As much as you can, anyways"

"Aye. You too, Emma. It was very nice to meet you"

I smiled before he walked away, my eyes inevitably following him as he arrived to his table and sat down.

I thought that it was going to be the last time I'd be seeing Killian that night. Nevertheless, I was definitely not expecting what was about to come...

Something I would proudly give the title of "The Best Christmas Eve of my life".


First chapter! Woohoo! What did you guys think? It's going to be a short story, but it will be filled with romance and the Christmas spirit we all need to feel. I hope this story warms your hearts during this holiday season or at least gives you a good time.

Thanks to everyone who has supported me during my writing journey! You are seriously the best!

Don't forget to leave a comment and vote! 💞❄️

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