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"It's looking good" I told Killian, referring to the snowman we were building "But it still needs a face"

"Leave that to me, love"

Killian recollected some small stones and used them for the mouth and eyes. We had no carrots, so we had to improvise the nose with a chubby stick we found. For the arms we used two long branches and covered them with the pair of gloves I was carrying. Killian removed his gray scarf and placed it around the snowman.

"Well, well. It seems we've created a pretty handsome guy" I said with a smile.

"Aye, that's because he takes after me" he joked "Look at his eyes, they are identical to mine"

I laughed "Oh, but his smile is definitely just as mine"

He nodded and gazed at me with cuteness "Yes, and it is gorgeous"

We stared into each other's eyes for a moment and I couldn't help feeling some butterflies inside my stomach.

"Let's take a pic with it!" I quickly said, averting my eyes from him to grab my phone.

Killian and I stood on each of the snowman's sides. I took a selfie of the two... well, the three of us, and kept the phone inside my purse again.

We sat next to each other, right in front of our pretty snowman and feeling the snow under our hands.

"You know," I began "there's a competition every year in my neighborhood. People make teams and build creative snowmen. The winner gets movie tickets and a piece of Mrs. Harriet's delicious strudel"

"Really? Sounds fun"

"It is. The competition took place on the second week of December, so we can't no longer participate. However, if you want, we could team up for next year. It's really cool" I said enthusiastically.

Killian lowered his head "I'd love to, Swan..."

"But?" I said, knowing there was a 'but'. There always has to be one.

"I'm leaving New York City tomorrow" he replied sadly "I'm moving to London"

I blinked thrice as I felt an odd sensation in my heart. I had just met that amazing and incredible man and he was leaving?

The world must really hate me. I thought.

"So that's why you didn't want to stay at the company's event tonight. You didn't want to spend your last Christmas Eve in New York like that" I said, finally understanding.


"What are you gonna do in London?"

"I was offered a job there. It's a recognized sports magazine and-"

I didn't hesitate to cut him off "Wait. I thought that writing wasn't your passion, I thought you wanted to be a caterer"

"I do, Swan. But as I've said, it's not easy to simply leave all things and start all over. It takes a lot of time"

I sighed "But Killian... Do you really want to go to London?"

He looked at me as I realized that he didn't want to, I could see the truth in his sapphire eyes.

"Sometimes you must do things you don't like at all but that will help you grow. I'm getting a higher position and a pay raise there, Swan. I... I really need them"

I was going to oppose to his comment, but decided not to. I didn't want to start a fight in such a wonderful night. And it was Killian's last Christmas Eve after all. The last thing I wanted was to ruin it.

I stood up and sighed. "Come on, let's go"

He frowned "Go where?"

"I don't know yet. I'll think about it as we take a walk" I said grinning as I held out my hand to him. Killian took it and stood up. However, he didn't let it go. Not that I minded, of course. It actually felt really good.

We said goodbye to our snowman before walking away.


Killian didn't say a word during our little walk, neither did I. We simply held hands and moved forward. I was trying to figure out where could we go next when we listened to some Christmas music coming from a building next to us.

"Seems like someone's having a big party" he said right before a guy dressed as Santa Claus showed up.

"It's the annual Give A Smile event, sir" he said proudly "People donate something -money, clothes, toys- and they come in to have a hot drink and dance in the ballroom. It's a charity event for the orphanage"

Killian and I exchanged looks. It seemed like we had found our final stop.

"We'll gladly join you" I said to Santa Claus with a wide smile.


After donating some money and having hot chocolate, Killian and I chatted for a while.

The ballroom was filled with people of all ages. From little kids playing to elder people admiring the beautiful Christmas ornaments of the place. It was a lovely place, and it felt even better because you knew you were helping the children that needed it the most. It was a pleasurable and satisfying sensation that both Killian and I, and I think the rest of the guests, shared.

Suddenly, a sweet and slow melody was played in the background, a song that made me smile.

Killian held out his hand with a charming smile "Want to dance, Swan?"

"It will be an honor" I answered as I took his hand and we stepped closer to each other.

Killian and I moved in sync with the song "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas". I was enjoying his company so much that for a moment I forgot that he was leaving. However, that didn't last long.

"What's wrong?" He asked, both still moving at the sound of the music"

"I... I know that we just met tonight but I can't help feeling sad about the fact that you're leaving" I confessed.

"I feel the same way"

I smiled, those words somehow managing to warm my soul.

"At least we have tonight" I said, trying to convince myself that everything was going to be alright.

Killian nodded and I rested my head on his shoulder. He held me closer as his left hand reached my hair, stroking it.

We stood there, joined by the sound of the melody and forgetting about the rest of the world.

An Unexpected Christmas EveWhere stories live. Discover now