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As Killian and I entered the toy store I couldn't help smiling. There were a bunch of toys, from small animal plushes to board games. I was stunned by the variety of things the place had, walking from one shelf to another as I admired the toys.

In that moment I realized I was acting the same way I did when I was a child, when my parents used to take me to similar toy stores and I felt like the happiest girl on Earth.

I looked at Killian with a grin "I can't believe we're actually doing this"

"But you're liking it, aren't you?"

"Heck yeah" I replied as we continued walking through the lovely store, telling one another's favorite toys when we were little as well as sharing some great Christmas experiences.

Somehow, after exploring the whole store, we ended up doing one of those enormous Ravensburger puzzles on the store's "Playing Zone". There were some kids sitting next to us, and let's just say they were a bit confused to see a couple of grown ups there.

"Where does this piece go?" Killian asked frowning.

"Hmm... Oh, I think it goes here. Give it to me"

He handed it to me and I placed it on the center of the puzzle.

"Huh. You're very good at this, Swan"

"It's my secret talent" I said with a little wink "Where are we going afterwards?" I asked eagerly "Or are you tired already?"

"Tired? Far from that. However, this time... You are choosing our next stop"

I widened my eyes in surprise "What? Me?"

"Aye, you. Just think about something you liked to do on this time of the year. It's not hard"

I sighed and thought. Suddenly, I had an idea.

"I got it! Have you ever ice skated at Rockefeller Center?"

"Never. I... I actually have never ice skated before"

I gasped "No way! In which planet do you live? Jedha? Scarif?"

"Oh come on, I know a lot of persons who have never done it either"

"Well, you're going to stop being one of those persons because tonight, Mr. Jones, I'm teaching you how to ice skate"

I stood up confidently and held out my hand to him. He arched an eyebrow before laughing. Killian nodded as he took my hand and stood up as well.

"And for the record, I did understand your movie reference, Swan"

I bit my lip unconsciously. "Come on, let's keep moving"

After placing the puzzle back on its place, Killian and I headed to Rockefeller Center. The place was crowded, but we were lucky to get in the skating ring quickly.

"Okay... What now?" He asked in a wavering voice.

"Now you just glide your feet, one after the other one. Hold my hand and stop worrying, I'll catch you if you fall"

Killian smiled, and god dammit, it was one of the cutest smiles I had ever seen in my life. Right after that he took my hand, following my instructions with slight fear.

"Wow, this is... Far more complicated than what it looks like" he commented as he held my hand tighter.

"Yeah, when people do it in the movies it looks simple, but in real life... It takes some time to learn how to skate properly"

He kept moving his legs as I followed his pace. He was actually a quick learner. I had known many people who fell down as soon as their feet touched the ice.

"You're doing great, Killian" I told him.

"I think I'm starting to understand it. I feel I can even-"

But before he could finish speaking he lost his balance and fell, bringing me down as well.

"Oh my God, Killian. Are you okay?"

"Aye, love. I'm fine. What about you? Are your hurt?" He asked worriedly.

"I'm alright" I responded before letting out a laugh, making him laugh too.

We then stood up with difficulty, both still laughing. As soon as we were on our feet again I noticed we were terribly close; he held my forearms and could almost touch his nose with mine. 

"Not bad for being your first time" I told him.

"Really? I must have an excellent teacher then"

I grinned before stepping backwards. "You wanna keep trying?"

"Yeah, why not?"

In less than twenty minutes Killian was already skating without any help. We skated all over the ring as we sang some typical Christmas songs. It was really cool; I hadn't had such fun in years and now it was all happening in one single night.

Our skating time was over and we had to reluctantly leave the center.

"Where to now?" Killian asked "You seem to have incredible ideas, love"

Hmmm... Maybe we could... No, too boring. Or perhaps...

"Alright, this is probably going to be too clichéd"

"Nah, come on. Most of the things we've done tonight have been clichés. What are you thinking about?"

"Okay... Killian, do you want to build a snowman?"


Christmas is almost here! Are you guys excited?

Sorry about my random Rogue One reference, I'm super obsessed with it right now hehe (Star Wars fan here, if you hadn't noticed). Btw, do you guys know of some Rebel Captain (JynxCassian) fanfiction/writers? If you do please leave it in the comments 🙏🏻🙏🏻 (on wattpad or any other page, it doesn't matter)

Thanks for reading! Comment and vote 💗

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