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"Five... Four... Three... Two... One... Happy New Year!!"

Everyone in the apartment screamed with joy as they celebrated the end of another year and the arrival of a new one. Everyone was thrilled and excited, all except for one single person.


I couldn't feel the joy nor the happiness of the New Year, I felt too heartbroken for that.

A week ago I had met an amazing guy, one with whom I had shared the most magical and memorable Christmas Eve I'd ever had...but alas, he had already left.

I was starting to feel comfortable with him, secure, happy... Something that didn't happen that often, I must admit. It was crazy, yeah, but I was starting to like him.

Just when I thought I couldn't be more tortured, my phone started to vibrate as the screen displayed a very familiar name.

Killian Jones.

I hesitated to answer, but after a matter of seconds I did.


"Happy New Year, Swan," he said with that peculiar accent of his.

"Happy New Year for you too." I replied, not helping myself to smile. "Whoa, wait a second... New Year in London was like what, five hours ago?"

"Aye, that's correct."

"So you waited until it was five o'clock in the morning over there just to call me?"

"That would be correct too, yeah."

"You really are a looney, you know that, right?" I laughed.

"I am completely aware." he said, laughing as well. "Well, I just wanted to tell you that and also... I miss you"

Oh damn you, Killian, I thought. "Me too." I sighed, gazing at some of my friends standing in the living room. "I gotta go. Thanks for calling, it was a sweet gesture."

"It was nothing. Do you think we could uh... Still be in touch?"

"Of course, Killian. I would like nothing more."

"Great, great," he contested happily. "Have a great year, Emma Swan. I'll call you soon"

"I'll be waiting."

We ended the call before I finished my whole glass of wine.

What a way to start the year.

"Em, you okay?" Elsa asked me concerned, placing an arm on my shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lie to her with a small smile. "Happy New Year, bestie."

Elsa furrowed her brow, she definitely knew something was bothering me. However, she simply hugged me tight. "Happy New Year, bestie."

After the celebration, which had been at Elsa's, my friend insisted me to stay over. It was really late and I hadn't brought my car, so I accepted her invitation.

By four AM, Elsa and I were already in our pajamas -I had borrowed one from her closet- and prepared ourselves to go to sleep.

"You shouldn't lose faith on Killian," Elsa said out of a sudden. "Maybe you'll see him again"

I laid on the improvised bed we had made for me and heaved a sigh. "I don't want to have my hopes up and then be let down, you know? I've had too many disappointments in my life. I'm not sure I can't stand another one."

Elsa placed her head on her pillow and smiled. "If he is the one for you then you will see him again." he echoed confidently.

"You're overestimating all this, you know?"

She shrugged. "It's called hope, Emma." She covered herself with the quilts before turning around. "Goodnight, girl."

"Goodnight." I told her before closing my eyes.


Eleven months later
[December 24th, to be precise]

I'm gonna be late, I'm gonna be late, I thought at the same time I ran as fast as I could trough the airport's parking lot. I kept glancing worriedly at my watch whilst gently elbowing my way through the arrivals area.

My heart was beating like a freak, I felt like it was going to pop out of my chest in any minute. Nonetheless, I was the most anxious and excited girl in New York City.

The reason? Well, I think you already have an idea.

Killian and I kept chatting and phoning each other through the rest of the year. We also skyped for a while when we found suitable hours for both of us. Time zones can mess things up a lot. Anyways, we got to know each other with every conversation, and we also started to realize that we had strong feelings for one another.

On late October, Killian called me during a meeting I had at Fabulous Me. I never received calls from him at such early hours, so I excused myself and left the conference room just to answer.

"Swan, I need to tell you something really important." he had begun. "Remember how you're always telling me to become a caterer?"

"Yeah, what with that?"

"Well, I'm gonna follow your advice. I just quitted the magazine, love"

"Killian... Oh my God! Is it for real?"

"Yes!! I'm starting a caterer business because that's my passion. I have enough resources and contacts, I can definitely handle it. And guess what? I'm doing it in New York."

"Y-you mean... You're coming back?" I asked.

"Yes, darling. I am. I'm coming back home."

So there I was, desperately making my way through the airport in order to receive Killian Jones.

I finally reached the arrivals area, but didn't have any sign of him.


"Swan!" I heard his voice calling me.

"Jones!" I exclaimed, managing to find him with my eyes in the overcrowded place.

I ran towards him. He ran towards me. In matter of nothing we were standing face to face, heavy breathing.

At first we did not move, we simply looked at each other, like trying to process the fact that we were together after a year.

And then, Killian embraced me.

"I missed you so much," he said. "I can't believe I'm here."

"It feels weird, doesn't it?" I told him, my hands already on his back.

We broke the embrace in order to gaze into one another's eyes again.

"Aye," he agreed. "Merry Christmas Eve, love."

I snickered before placing my hands on his nape. "Just come here and kiss me already, would you?"

Killian grinned, leaning forward as I stood on my toes in order to reach his lips easily.

We smiled, pleased to be together again and ready to start a new life.

Who would've said that a love story began on an unexpected Christmas Eve?

T H E  E N D


Sorry for updating late, I've been hella busy :p I hope you liked this small story! Thanks for taking the time to read it! You're awesome!! 💜💜

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