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After a ten minute walk, Killian and I were standing in front of a tall building that said "Match" on the top.

"What are we doing at your workplace?" I asked "I thought we were going to a restaurant or somewhere with food"

"We're not eating here, love" he said before continuing walking "The place we're heading to is right next to the office"

I followed him, unsure of whichever his plan was, and found myself in front of a curious spot called "Granny's Diner". I sent him a look and he answered with a charming grin.

Once inside, Killian guided me to the table located leftwards, right next to one of the main windows. A young woman quickly arrived to our table with two menus in her hands.

"Well, well. What do we have here?" She said with a wide smile "You never told me you were seeing someone, Killian Jones. How rude of you"

I noticed how his cheeks flushed almost instantaneously at the girl's comment. I also felt awkward, but limited myself to snicker.

"We're not... We're only hanging out, Ruby" he told her, trying to regain his composure.

"Is that so?" She asked before crossing her arms "Because you rarely bring cute girls here. I would think otherwise"

"Really?" I asked with a little smile, teasing Killian and then looking at Ruby "So should I consider myself special?"

"Definitely!" She replied before giving us the menus "What can I get you?"

"Well, this guy over here told me that you have the best hamburgers ever and I'm going to be the judge of that so... I guess we're getting two of them, aren't we?"

I knew Killian still felt embarrassed, however, he managed to speak "Aye, and if you want we can order red wine. What do you say?"

"I like it, yeah"

"Great, add a bottle of Merlot, please"

"Okay. Right away. And trust me, once you take the first bite of your hamburger you'll know what true love is" Ruby said confident before taking her leave.

"Sorry about Ruby" Killian said before sighing "I should've known she was going to tease me and act like that. She's a friend of mine"

I smiled and laughed "It's okay, she seems to be pretty cool, actually. I assume you come here often?"

"I do, for my morning coffee to survive rough workdays" he stated "The machine at the office makes a terrible coffee"

We kept talking about us, about working for Paradise Co. and other things that made us get to know each other better. Some minutes later Ruby arrived with our dishes.

"Bon appetite!" She said before turning around.

"Okay, go ahead" he told me, looking at the enormous hamburger that was in front of me. It looked like at an ordinary one, with nothing special. I took it with both of my hands and opened my mouth.

I stopped before biting it "Why are you looking at me in that way?"

"I just want to see your face when you have your first bite" he said enthusiastically.

"That's creepy"

"Come on! Just do it"

I rolled my eyes "Okay, okay..."

And I did it. I took my time to analyze the hamburger's flavor and it's texture as Killian kept staring at me with curiosity, eagerly expecting my opinion.

"So?" He asked.

"It is... Absolutely delicious! Oh my God! It's like heaven in my mouth!"

Killian clapped happily "Has it become the best hamburger you've ever had?"

"It seems it has won the title, yes"

We continued eating and chatting, drinking some wine and laughing out loud at the silly comments we both made.

"Anything else I can get you?" Ruby asked us.

I shook my head "I'm alright, thanks"

Killian took out his phone, looking at the hour "Thanks, Ruby. Could you give us the bill, please?"

"Sure" she replied and made her way to the counter.

"It's still early. Are you still in for the Christmas Eve adventure?" Killian asked.

"Of course I am. Which is our next stop?" I said, placing my arms on the table and leaning closer to him.

"You'll see... When we get there"

"You really like to be mysterious, don't you?"

"Aye, I love it"

Ruby brought us the bill, we agreed to split it, and left Granny's Diner in order to continue with our unexpected night.

We were walking side by side, feeling the cold air of December on our bodies as we held a conversation with randomly made questions.

"Your turn" I said.

"Okay... Cats or dogs?"

"I like both, though I'd probably choose dogs. I don't know, I'm more of a dog lover"

"Yeah, I feel the same way. Your turn"

"Where are we going?" I asked with a laugh.

"I've told you, it's a surprise. And that doesn't count as a question, make another one"

I shook my head before speaking again. "Okay, I have a good one. If you weren't a magazine writer... What would you be?"

"Hmm... Probably a caterer. You see, during three summers I helped one of my cousins with her catering company at several events. I became very fond of it"

"What happened? Why did you left it?"

"Well... My father didn't seem to like the idea very much. He wanted me to follow his steps and become a Match employee"

"Oh... But you like your job, don't you?"

"Aye. I'm good at it but, let's just say it's not my biggest passion. I studied journalism to please my father's last wish only"

"Hey," I told him, grabbing his hand and standing in front of him, making him halt "you can still follow that dream. You don't need to let it go"

"Swan, it's not that easy to quit the magazine and start a new business. It takes time... And bloody money"

"Yeah but... It's not impossible. If that's what you want why not fight for it? It's never too late to start again"

Killian nodded with a smile before looking forward "Seems like we have arrived to our destiny"

I turned around and opened my mouth stunned "Are you serious?"

"Aye, pretty much"

"And what's the purpose of going there?"

"Another question" he suddenly said "Apart from the food, which we all love, what was the thing you enjoyed the most about Christmas as a kid?"

I didn't even need to think about it twice "Receiving presents. Specially the ones that were toys"

"Exactly, and tonight, we're going to reminisce those old times where being a kid was the most magnificent thing ever. When our perspective of festivities was completely different. When we had that sparkly Christmas spirit"

"Wow, you sound like one of those holiday cards you buy in the stores" I teased him.

"Ha ha" he replied sarcastically "Come on, it's gonna be fun"

He offered his arm and I took it, even though this was starting to look like the craziest plan of all times.


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