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After dancing for an hour or so, Killian and I walked to a beautiful backyard. It was almost midnight and I had the feeling that our unexpected Christmas Eve was coming to an end.

As we sat on a wooden bench I offered him a warm smile.

"I've had an amazing night, Killian. Thank you"

"Thank you for accepting to come. Without you I wouldn't have had any fun"

I widened my smile and gazed upwards, catching sight of a hanging object just above us.

This is so cliché. I thought before Killian looked at the little mistletoe as well.

"I didn't see it when we sat" I commented.

"Neither did I... But I say we should follow the tradition"

I lifted up an eyebrow before I leant forward and connected my lips with Killian's, kissing him for a matter of seconds. After I pulled apart, he smiled and placed a hand on my cheek, rubbing it softly.

"It's already past midnight. Merry Christmas, Swan"

"Merry Christmas"

I still don't know how, but the point is that we ended up kissing again, this time in a deeper and lingering way.

Once it ended we stared into each other's eyes for a long moment.

What are we doing? I thought. He's leaving. If we keep doing this the departure will be harder and more painful.

"Love," he said, trailing me away from my thoughts, "I want to make you a promise"

I blinked a couple of times, not really knowing what to expect from his following words.

"What?" I asked.

"I promise you, Swan" he said with sincerity and profundity "that I will come back to you. I don't care how much it takes me, but I will come back"

I liked his promise, I really did, but he had a job in London, I was not going to ask him to leave it for me. Much less when I had just met him that night.


"It's a promise" he cut me off.

I sighed and nodded. We had just met and I was already going to lose him.

After a while, Killian and I decided it was time to say goodbye. We called two cabs and waited on the street for their arrival. We would've shared the same cab, but we lived in opposite directions.

"Okay... You already have my number, so if you ever get bored..." I said.

"I'll text you. Or phone you, even"

"It's gonna be an expensive call from Europe to America"

"Aye, but it will be worth it"

I grinned just as one cab pulled over in front of us.

"Your carriage is ready, Princess" Killian said like a real Prince Charming.

I hugged him one last time, getting lost in his aroma for a moment before giving a step backwards. He placed his fingers under my chin, lifting it up.

"Smile, Swan. This won't be the last time we see each other"

"You seem to be very confident about it" I told him, feeling my eyes teary already.

"Because I know it will happen. I have faith on that"

He leaned forward and kissed me slowly, somehow sealing his promise of coming back.

"Goodbye, Killian" I said after ending the kiss.

"Goodbye, Swan" he replied, opening the cab's door for me.

I went inside and he closed the door. As the cab moved away, I looked how Killian's figure was slightly disappearing from my view until I couldn't see it any longer.

And then I broke in tears.


Sorry for not updating before, I've been busy 😔
Anyways, I hope you had an amazing Christmas!
I wish you the best for this 2017! May it bring you joy and peace!

One chapter more and the fic will end!

An Unexpected Christmas EveWhere stories live. Discover now