Chapter 2

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"Claire?" I heard a very far out voice say. "Claire?" I heard the voice a little louder this time. I opened my eyes to find I had fallen asleep on our way to wherever we were going. It was approximately a fourteen hour drive. I wasn't bothered much by it, for it gave me time to catch up on my reading. We made three stops all three for gas, food, and a bathroom break. "Oh. I'm sorry. I must of fallen asleep." I muffled out while sitting up. I brushed my hair out of my face. Luke laughed. "You fell asleep four hours ago. When it was still dim outside. But you looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake you for our stop." "Oh! I'm sorry. I usually never fall asleep when I'm with someone. Are we here or there yet?" "It's completely fine! It's been a long ride ,and not over yet. I don't mean to scare you. I know your jot used to this kind of stuff yet ,but there was a bomb threat at the R.A.G. They found the bomb about thirty minutes ago. It was counting down. Only had about five minutes left till blowing up the place. It's a good thing they found it in time. We were told to park nowhere in sight and wait until a clear to drive again. They could've been trying to atop us from reaching our destination. They just called and gave the clear. We have another thirty minutes till we are there." I must of look completely shook and terrified because he put his hand on my shoulder to comfort me. "Don't worry Claire! These things only happen every so often. Mainly when new things are happening or a new recruit. Especially since we are insurgents. We are a threat to the government of Finland. The director will tell you more when we arrive." I nodded. "I understand. I am totally fine. I'm just going to eat my chips and read if you don't mind." He smiled and said, "Go right ahead." I didn't do much reading the rest of the drive though. Instead I thought long and hard about what I was about to become part of. A rebel against government! Something I'm suppose to respect? That doesn't sound right to be a rebel. What's so bad about the government here in Finland? I've studied it in books and I've found almost every decision and law respectful. What could all this mean?
"We are here!" I looked up and saw a huge metal fence. This is the biggest fence I've ever laid eyes on. They were lights on the inside but only a lighted drive way. They must want to be secretive about this place. The driver pulled to a keypad. He typed a password and then it scanned his eye. The gate made a clink sound and opened revealing the biggest building I've ever seen. It was surrounded by a ton of smaller building. My mouth dropped open. "Oh my Goodness! This place is huge!" Luke laughed. We pulled to a parking garage and parked. I got out of the car and followed Luke inside a door. From there we took an elevator to the 30th floor. There are littlerally 60 floors the this place! Somebody has a lot of money. "Surprised?" Asked Luke. I smiled and answered, "Oh most definitely!" We reached the thirtieth floor and stepped out of the elevator. We then took a left and then a right and walked down a long five foot wide hallway. It's painted beige. There are no wall decorations. Its very dull yet extremely professional looking. We reached the end of the hallway where the only door through it was. It had a code pad and eye scan. After doing the security scan, Luke smiled at me and opened the door while saying, "Welcome to the comand room. This is where you'll meet the director." I smiled nervously and walked into the room ,Luke followed and took lead in front of me. We stopped and sat in two chairs laid out in front of many other chairs all in front of a pretty big desk. The chair behind the desk turned out towards us revealing a man. He looked me over and looked at Luke. "Good work agent. You may be dismissed if you would like." He told Luke. "Thank you sir," Luke replied. Then looked at me and smirked then looked at the director and said, "but if you don't mind I'd like to stay here and show Claire around when the meeting is over. She knows me more than others and I think she'd be more comfortable." The director nodded in agreement. "So you're Margrets niece, Claire Miles. Correct?" All I could manage to say was, "Yes. That's- me- sir." He laughed. "Oh please don't be nervous I'm not ruthless towards new people. Besides I'm not even ruthless towards people that have been here for a while, that is unless they are being idiots or turned." "Turned?" I asked. "That's not something you need to know about as of yet. Now back to the point. This is as you know the R.A.G. We are rebels against government. Now I'm sure you were taught as a child that rebels are a terrible thing, but this kind is not. The Finland government has done horrible things, just monsterous. But nobody ever hears about it. They take families away from each other ,and they torture them in torture chambers. Most for money. Your parents were taken away from you when you were 11. They were taken by the government. One day we are going to take down the government and free all the people. We will put every single member of the government and throw them in prison, some for life and the ones that had least a part in it then others will go in for 25 years. They must pay. There are other things that we have here ,but you don't need to know about them until we know you're ready. We have training facilities and weapon and machinery buildings that surrounds the one we are in. There are rooms and you will have a roommate. The rooms are divided into two sections you have separate sleeping areas. They are in different smaller rooms in the room. If that makes since. There's also a bathroom of course. The shower room for girls has dividers and a door. That's located on the 40th floor. Your room is on the 50th floor. Room number 20. Luke will show you around and you are now dismissed." Luke stood up and smiled while extending a hand to me. I smiled and took it. We walked out of the room and to the elevator. We stepped in and he pushed the floor number. "Don't worry your going to love it here! Oh and. I'm room 21 so I'm right next door. If you ever need anything I'm always here for you." He said smiling. I looked at him and smiled back saying, "Thank you, Luke. I like it here already." We smiled then walked to my room. He's really sweet. I'm glad I have someone I can trust here. He's great.

Agents For The R.A.G: Rebels Against Government Where stories live. Discover now