Welcome to the Shadow Rift

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I opened my eyes for the first time. I looked at my parents and they seemed very happy to have a son.

Its been years since I was born and if I had to say I've turned out rather well but as always I had no say. I'm what you would call a Shadow Weeper, we are the lowest ranked Shadow Rift Creatures. Although we are the lowest we are considered rather scary. I snapped back into reality as my parents yelled at me to pay attention, I was supposed to be learning how to travel through minds or something like that. "Weeps! You have to pay attention if you want to impress the Grand Master." my mom yelled. The Grand Master. All young Shadow Creatures have to learn their proper powers to impress him, why? I honestly have no idea. "I dont see why I have to learn this stuff. I don't want to hurt anyone" I complained but before I knew it I was already thrown to the ground. Here we go again. "You have to learn this, you awful excuse of a Shadow Weeper! Pathetic! You will learn to be a Shadow Weeper whether you like it or not!' my father yelled this as he often does. I don't blame him though, everything he said is true. I'm a pathetic excuse for a Shadow Weeper. I hate harming others, I fear most Shadow Creatures, and I have four fingers instead of five which is a sign of weakness as my father says. "Weeps I need you to pay attention You have to learn this, I don't want them to take you away from me.' Every time my mother said that it scared me. Whos them? Why would they take a weak Shadow Weeper like me? What would they do to me? "Weeps!" My dad yelled at me. "I swear you never pay attention to anything. Now go practice or something, I want to talk to your mom." And with that I left into the darkness we all call home. The Shadow Rift

Authors Note~ Helloooooooooo and thanks for reading my book :P Btw A Shadow Weeper is the Cover of the book and they'll be pictures for new Shadow Creatures. Anyway continues reading. Enjoy!

~ The Fox

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