Your my mate and I want you with me every where.....

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India POV


He said . He took off his shirt showing off his chest. He took his pants off. I watched as they fell  to the floor.I took and whole body shot of him to save I'm my mind photo book.Once I reached his eyes he winked.

I turned my gaze away from him.I heard bones crack and a tearing sound.I snapped my head back to him afraid that something happened to Jaceon.He was hunched over, his skin was turning black. His nails grew out longer with sharp edges. Scales began to cover his body.I snapped my hand over my mouth to stop from screaming.

I don't know how I should be feeling. The most rational thought is to be afraid. But how I could I be afraid he looked beautiful. I've been into exotic animals but he was marvelous. The urge to touch became unignorably.

'Don't touch me I may hurt you.'I heard a deep controlling voice say.

It's as if his voice became even more dark and deeper. Okay now this is getting to out of control. How in the world can he talk to me though the mind. I understand some type of magic is involved. I wonder if they get any other 'powers'.

'I going to change so you can go into the bathroom until I finish. I have to speak to you.' I nodded my head and raised from the bed and walked to the bathroom closing the door after me. About 3 minutes later I heard a knock on the bed.I oped the door to be faced by Jaceon. I walked pass him to the bed.

He sat down at the edge of the bed.

"Your my mate and I want you with me at all times.I knew you were my mate the first time I seen you walk in to the club a few nights ago. You don't know anything about Dragons.But the basic knowledge about a mate shouldn't be hard for you to understand." He said. I lowly growled under my voice at his indication of me being stupid.

"From what I was told you were going to move to California. So everything that was in your apartment is now here.So don't worry about your possessions.Also just in case you don't take me serious if you try to leave me I will find you and punish you for leaving. Now eat lunch and get some rest." He said standing up walking toward the door.

"Oh one more thing. I love you beautiful." He said walking out the door.I gasped in reply.My heart flipped when those last words left his mouth..I blushed. I laid down thinking about everything that happened in the 48 hours of me being awake. How could I blush this strange man kidnapped there is nothing sweet about that. I had and will have a life of my own choice.

Jaceon isn't all that bad except for the part of kidnapping me. I understand the whole mating thing from romance books. Such as mates are the other half for someone. The one who makes them truthfully  happy.Personally in life I want that and if Jaceon is the one to make that happen well then I will let him. Its not like I can go anywhere I'm in a whole different country.

A knock came to my door. 

Zoey walked in. Zoey is a beautiful girl with black hair and hazel eyes. She's about 5'7 and looks somewhat nice if you ask me. Its not like I've meet many people since being here but I wouldn't mind making a friend.

"Hey". She said happily.I smiled.


"So I wanted to ask you how you are taking every thing.I know everything is very shocking with finding out Dragons exist.I wouldn't believe it if I wasn't one." She said.

"Well I understanding everything.Its just that he said he loves me but he doesn't know me. He may hate the person I was.I was extremely different." I said.

"Well if you ever want to talk about it I'm here. I really do want us to be friends, because well Jaceon is my best friend and it would be totally awkward if we didn't talk if we were around each other allot." She said. Her best friend , for some reason I'm a little jealous because that means they are very close. She knows things about him that I don't know, she-sh.

"How about you tell me something about your self and I'll tell you about me."I suggested to Zoey. Her eyes got bright at the sound of the compliment. 

"Okay! I'll tell you something that you wont believe. Well found out that I was a Dragon many,many years ago.I changed when I had gotten so fed up with how every one treated me because of my mothers actions. I was so mad , they threw rocks at me as I ran into the woods. All I could think about is what they called my mother. They called her a slut,hoe,whore and any other names you can think.I had gotten so angry that it scared me. I yelled when I felt my ribs move. After a while I had became a gray dragon.

Few years later I met Jaceon who was nice to me and didn't judge me for what my mother did. I trusted him with everything and I told him I was a dragon and he took me in as family. His parents are just as wonderful." She smiled at me which I returned.

"I guess now is my turn." She nodded her head eagerly." Okay I'll start off when I was in middle school. My father would leave and not come back for days. He was me and my mom's income source.My mom dropped out of school to marry him thinking it was the only way. As I grew up I began to hang around the wrong people who would smoke , drink, have sex, and do drugs.

I never did it knowing that life was not meant for me. When I graduated college I didn't not know how to pay for books and other things real quick. Well my friend Lisa told me about how much money she mad striping at a strip club in one night. So I thought why not try its quick and easy. I wouldn't dance nude. But I did wear very exposing clothing. I did that a few years addicted to the fast money. I had met thins guy names Zane who would occasionally come sometimes.

He had asked me out and I said yes happy that some one actually noticed me. We dated for a good year and were going to get married until he started to change. Becoming more aggressive and control. He would also hit me when I didn't do something correct. I had got away from him sneaking away one day when he was at work. That's how I ended up in New York.. I had worked at the strip club only long enough to get a stable paying job and getting though my 4 years in college."

I told her many other things about my childhood and other thing Zane would do to me and how sudden our relationship. While talking with Zoey ,I could tell that we are going to be great friends.

She told me many things about Jaceon that he would probably never tell me.

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