Better get it correct

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India's POV-

He dragged me down the stairs to the dinning room.That is filled with allot of people. Once we entered the dinning room all talking stopped. He walked to the head of the table and pulled out the chair to the right of him.

I looked from the chair to him stubbornly.He growled at me and pushed me down in the chair.I glared at him as he sat in his seat. He cleared his throat . Everyone continued their conversations. I looked over at Zoey who was sitting by me.

"So what happened to eating in my room?" I asked her. She smiled mildly to me.

"I tried but then he asked me where you where,i your coming,and why aren't you coming and when I answered his questions he was already at your door." Zoey said apologetically. I smiled lightly at her.

The waiters began to serve dinner.

"Well I guess there is nothing for me to do now ,right?" I said more of a statement than a question. The waiter placed some food in front of me.I looked at it and decided that I want to get on Jaceon nerves so I make no effort to eat the food.

He looked at me and then the food pointedly. I give him an innocent look.

"Eat". He says. I shake my head no. 

"I'm not hungry." I said to him looking at my nails in  astonishment.

He growls and grabs the fork that's by his plate and gets some food with it. Then he brings it to my lips. I shake my head in a childish manner.His hand grabs my thigh with pressure making me gasp in surprise.

"Chew". He said in a stern voice watching very closely.I pouted at this as I swallowed the food.

"I will continue to feed you this way making you open your mouth by touching your body," He said grazing my body with lust filled eyes."In front of everyone or you can simply eat on your own." He said. I glared at him then took my fork and began to eat the food on my plate.

Many people introduced themselves to me they were all very friendly to me.While watching as everyone was chatting and having a nice dinner .

I feel some one tap my shoulder. I look over to see this girl who has that slutty tint. I look at her pointedly.

"You in my seat". She said in a shrill voice.

"And what do you want me to do about that . I guess you gonna have to find another seat or something." I say.

"No how about you move out my seat and take your self somewhere else." She says flicking her hair over her shoulder.I stand up not liking the way she towers over my while I'm seated.

"You need to back the hell up out my face."She laughs right in my face.

"I don't see why Jaceon would even want you as a mate all you are is a American hoe."I raised my hand to slap her but I didn't get to follow though with me action because a Strong hand stopped me from hitting her. I looked at Jaceon who had a cold look on his face.

"Stand down India."

"No. She came in here and insulted me."I said pleading my case.

"Stand down". He said once again.I looked back to the girl and she had a smirk on her face.Then it clicked in my head.

"Oh i get it she's the trick that you would sleep with on the regular, huh? "No wonder she disrespected me so freely. 

"Stand down"He said with a threatening growl in his voice.I pushed my chair back walking around the table. As I raised from my seat I grabbed the knife sitting by my plate. Jaceon grabbed my arm before I Could stab the bitch in the eye. 

"Let me go ." I said calmly. Jaceon smirked and chuckle a little under his breath. 

" I would of never guessed you were so possessive dear, what many surprises you hold. But nevertheless you will back down as I am your mate and leader of this clan." HE squeezed y hadn't until I could no longer take the pain. I dropped the knife to the floor. I am so heated.

He walks over to the stank whore and swiftly snaps her neck. I gasp in surprise. 

" Please remember this moment as you interact with my mate. I will not tolerate any disrespectful toward her knowingly or unknowingly . It would be mindful of you to respect her to the up most . It would be foolish to do differently. " He paused looking over his clan. " Finish dinner and someone get this out of my sight. Mate its time that we retire."

I quietly followed Jaceon.

"What a foolish woman you are. That she- dragon could of finished you ,easily. It be best for you to not allow your pride to hinder your judgement. " He said as we walked to the room I was being held in.

"Don't speak to me in such a manner maybe if your whores were in check then there would be no need. " I said under my breath.

"You are a defiant woman , with no regard of respect."He says opening the door for me.I walk pass him , rolling my eyes to his words.

" Whatever Jaceon. I am a woman of my truth. I'll never let a cum whore every disrespect me. Luickly my mate feels the same ." I say pointedly. " Darling I am not one to share and never will. 

"I agree mate." He says behind me. I can feel his breath upon my neck. 

"Good." I say walking to my bathroom and closing the door.

A Dragons Heart is not to Be Played with.(Revised /on hold)Where stories live. Discover now