defining the relationship

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India POV

As I woke up the next morning I noticed that Jaaceon wasn't with me.So after doing my morning routine I went downstairs to the kitchen in hopes that the pack head made something to eat. once I fed myself I went in search of Jaceon.I knocked on the door of his office.

"Come in baby." I heard his deep voice say. I entered his office happily and walked around his desk into his lap , nuzzling his strong neck.

"You didn't wake me up." I said pouting.

"I didn't feel the need to ruin your sleep."He said kissing  my neck.I responded by breathing in his scent.

"So I have a quick question to ask you." I said finally coming out of my sappy mood. He tipped his head as if saying go ahead.

"What exactly is our relationship status?"I asked. He placed down the papers that he was looking over.

"And why would you ask me that question? I thought I made it very clear that you are mine whether you want a title such as my girlfriend or spouse well... you can decide on that.But as far as I'm concerned you are my woman."He finished beautifully.I nodded my head.

"Well great. Soooo I'll see you at lunch." I said tying to exit how office but he held on me tighter.

"And where exactly are you going mate ?"

"Well last night I talked to the manager of the club we went to last night about me and Alex being their new bartenders. the manager gave us the jobs so we start orientation today." I said happily.

"So um guessing you are going to let them know that you will not be working their. "I think he's confused.

"No Jaceon I'm not going to quit."

"No... your going to quit. There is no way in that little mind of yours would make you think I would allow you to work at that club." He said looking at me like I'm crazy.

"Jaceon I don't think I have to ask you for permission on something that I'm going to do."I said finally putting distance between us.

"I don't give a fuck about what you think."He growled.I growled back.

"Well then fuck you."

"If only you would we wouldn't be having this stupid ass conversation."

"The only stupid ass i see is you". And I left on that note. I grabbed a pair of keys and went off to the bar.I sent a quick text to Alex telling her that I will meet her there.

2 hours later.....

After leaving the bar I decided to stay out and visit some places around the city.

How can he try and control me.

Because he is our mate and alpha.

No I was not born a dragon those rules do not apply to me.

Well you are one now so they do apply.

I ignored her comment and continued sight seeing. Continually I thought about Jaceon and our relationship. Time must of got away from me since it's now nine at night. I headed back home.

Once I got to the house I noticed that everybody seemed to be walking on edge.I wonder what has them all nervous. As I walked upstairs to the bedroom I shared with Jaceon my instincts told me to be in on guard.

As I opened the door to the bedroom I'm shocked to see that no one more is in there. I thought that Jaceon would be in there is ready to greet me. I shook my head thinking it was stupid of me to be sad that he wasn't in here. I sat my bags down on the dresser then headed in to the walk in closet to find some pajamas to wear to bed . As I looked and searched and looked for something suitable I didn't notice the scent that had entered the room. So as I turned to leave the closet I was shocked to see Jaceon standing there in the door way .

"So you came back. How was your day ?" he asked while I noticed the slight change in the tint of his eyes.

"It was fine ." I said uncomfortably from feeling like I'm cornered.

"Hmmm well isn't that great. can I just see your phone darling?" He asked .

" Its in the bedroom on the bed ." He turned and walked to the bedroom. I followed him after 5 minutes had passed and he didn't return. As I entered the bedroom I didn't see Jaceon but I could smell him. Then I was pulled by my hair my backside meeting with a hard chest. I gasped dropping the pajamas in my hands on the floor.

"Now mate did I tell you to go anywhere. " He said darkly.

"what are you talkin--" I began.

"Now baby don't make me more angry by acting stupid".


"Shut the fuck up and answer my question " . HE snarled causing me and my dragon to whimper.

"NO you did not tell me the to go anywhere." He let me go after I answered.He walked around me and sat on the edge of the bed watching me fidget in the middle of the room.

"So are you a good mate or a bad and a disrespectful mate." He asked while still watching me .

"I'm not a bad mate ." I whimpered wanting to be closer to him.Taking a step forward.

" Tsk tsk.... did I tell you to move?" He said causing me to move back to my space. "It seems as though you can't listen to directions so I want you to prove me wrong by undressing ." He looked at me pointedly telling me to began. I started undressing myself until I was completely naked.

"Now come here baby". I hurriedly walked over to him standing in front of him wanting to jump his bones. He grabbed my hair pulling my head down to his lips as he claimed my mouth as his. I moaned as he is used his other hand to feel my warmth that grew for him. I didn't notice when he had me on the wall by my neck until he broke the kiss.

"If you ever leave this house without my permission or think about disobeying me I will lock you in this room and punish you. I am tired of dealing with a mate that doesn't obey her Alpha. So you better try your dam hardest to control your attitude mate. Do you understand me mate?" He pushed one of his fingers into my virginal core.

"Yes mate ,alpha I understand. I'm sorry." I tried kissing him but he pulled back causing me to whimper.

"I'm in charge baby". He said capturing my lips. He moved us to the bed tossing me on it. I laid back as I watched him undress hiself.
"now baby I think tonight is the night we really define our relationship. Now open your legs for daddy." I moaned in pleasure as I did what he said.HE kissed down to my core and began to show me the many talents his tongue can do .

"Jaceon "I moaned. HE moved up my body and began to leave love bites all over. "Baby ..." I said.

"Yes baby". HE said . ".. I'm ready "I finished.

"Are you sure?"he asked .

"yes I'm ready and I love you". He growled.

"I love you too baby ."

THat night we made love and finished the mating process.


A Dragons Heart is not to Be Played with.(Revised /on hold)Where stories live. Discover now