#21 prompto (Request)

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"You can't get me y/n!!"

The blond haired male yelled as he continued to run around our camp sight.
Wait. You maybe confused on why the dumbass is doing so, well you see ...

-5 minutes before-

"Y/n! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!"
A blond idiot stood Infront of me with a broken sword. To be honest MY SWORD!
By the time he was done explaining what had happened I could feel the heat coming out my ears.

"Prompto I told you she was going to get angry."

Gladiolus patted the boys shoulder before walking off where he wouldn't get hurt but close enough to see.

"Prompto! Argentum! Run! Now! Hisssss!"

"... Did you just hiss at me? Oh shit!"

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