//Chap 3// Donkeys and Uniforms!

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Chapter 3-

"WHO DID THIS!?" The teacher yelled furiously, pounding his fists on his desk. "WHO BROUGHT THIS DONKEY IN HERE!"

Flash back to a few hours ago...

"GET IN HERE!" Hikaru yelled.

"Don't be mean to the donkey!" I yelled at him. I turned back to the blank dog collar with a tag on it in front of me.

'Donkey 4 u!' I wrote on it with a sharpie.

"Where did you even get a donkey?" I asked the clones, who were in the middle of shoving a small donkey through the door.

"We know a guy," Kaoru answered.

"My friends who know a guy who can get a donkey like THAT," I said snapping my fingers. "Never been able to say THAT before!" I laughed.

"When it comes to pranks, we're you guys!" Hikaru bragged.

"You guys better keep out your part of the deal, and fix my uniform," I snapped at them.

"We will, we will," The clones reassured me at the same time, finally getting the small donkey through the door way.

"You better!" I said, putting my arms around their necks and ruffling their hair. I didn't notice, but Kaoru ended up blushing. Unfortunately, Hikaru saw his blush, but he decided to talk to his brother about it later...

I put the collar around the donkey and put a leash on him, then tied the leash to the teacher's desk.

"This is a GREAT prank!" I said with a smirk. "I cant wait to see the teacher's expression!"

Flash back over...

"WHO BROUGHT THIS DONKEY IN HERE!?" The teacher yelled. The twins and I were fighting against our will, holding our stomachs and trying not to fall on the ground and roll around laughing.

"WAS IT YOU!?" The teacher yelled, pointing at Hikaru.

"No!" He lied. He made a fake facial expression that made him look hurt and offended. The teacher was either stupid or gullible, because he just sighed and walked back to his desk.

"Fine," He said. "If no one wants to admit what they did, then you ALL have to do a 10 page essay and a diagram on the human brain as homework!"

"WHAT!?" Everyone in the class yelled.

"If someone wants to pull a prank, and wont admit it, then EVERYONE gets punished!" The teacher snapped. He smirked at the class' disappointment. "If you want it done by time, I SUGGEST YOU GET WORKING!" The clones, Haruhi, and I moved our desks together to form a group.

"A donkey? REALLY!?" Haruhi asked.

"SHH!" We told her, all 6 hands covering her mouth.

"Sorry," She said when we un-covered her mouth. "But did you guys have to go that far? Now we're ALL in trouble!"

"Sorry sis! But they offered me a fix of uniform if I helped them with the prank!" I told her.

"Oki..." She sighed.

"NO GOOFING OFF!" The teacher yelled. We all quickly pulled out papers and pencils.

After school, at the Hitachiin household...

"WHOA!" I yelled when I saw their house. "You live here!?"

"Well... yeah!" Kaoru answered.

"We ARE rich, after all," Hikaru bragged.

"Yeah yeah," I said, rolling my eyes at them. The fact that they are rich showed just by the outside of their house. Their house was decorated beautiful lights that shine in different colors at night. The front lawn was HUGE! They had a person pond with a fountain in the middle of the pond, with two identical angels, who were back to back with their wings outstretched. (There was more, but well... JUST USE YOUR IMAGINATION!)

"Follow us to the changing room, where you can undress from the uniform and put something more comfortable on," The clones said at the same time.

"Okay," I said, following them into the big house. They led me down a large hall way, and showed me a room that said 'Changing Room'

"Woah!" I yelled as the twins pushed me into the changing room.

"Through the uniform over the door when your done getting undressed," Kaoru explained, closing the door completely. Inside the changing room, there were four dressers, one in each corner. I looked at the mirror closest to me and stared at me in disbelief.

"I look more hideous then I thought..." I said to myself. I sighed and started flashbacking,


"Mommy! Look at me!" 7 year old me yelled, running around and jumping around, with my old fashioned dress fluttering behind me.

"Be careful sweetie! I don't want you to fall and hurt yourself!" My mom said.

"Now relax Hun, she isn't gonna be a kid her whole life... let her enjoy herself!" My dad said.

"But-" My mom started to say.

"Hun, she's FINE!" My dad said.

"You don't know that..." My mom complained. "Your such an idiot... but your MY idiot!"


"Oki?" Hikaru asked.

"You okay in there?" Kaoru finished.

"Yeah... yeah I'm fine!" I said, shaking my head.

'Oki, stop thinking about those times! Those times are over!' I thought. I quickly took off my ugly uniform and threw it over the door. I wandered over to one of the dressers.

'What do we have here...' I wondered, searching through the clothes. 'Aha!' I pulled out a blue and black, long sleeve shirt, and a short sleeved black tee-shirt with a yellow star in the middle. I put the shirts on and grabbed a pair of baggy long pants. I wondered over to the accessory table and saw a cool light grey beanie hat. I put it on and exited the dressing room, only to be greeted by a maid.

"The young masters requested that I show you to the living room, right this way please!" The maid said. I followed her down another long hall towards a giant room (imagine it. I don't want to explain EVERY room SO USE YOUR IMAGINATION!) I sat down in a comfortable chair.

"Feel free to watch TV ma'am," The maid said, walking away.

'This is gonna take long...' I thought, cuddling a pillow.

"Oki..." A voice whispered. "Time to wake up!"

"Ughhh," I moaned. "5 more minutes dad!"

"I'm not your dad Oki!" The voice said. My eyes opened wide, but then turned back to normal.

"Oh hey Kaoru," I said when I saw the person who was hovering over me. "How long was I out?" I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

"About 2 hours," Hikaru said, walking up behind me.

"Oh 2 hours..." I said sleepily, cuddling the pillow again. "Wait... 2 HOURS!?" I yelled, bolting up right. "WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME!?"

"We tried!" Hikaru said.

"But you said '5 more minutes'. If we would of known that '5 minutes' meant an hour, we would of poured water one you," Kaoru chuckled.

"Here's your NEW AND IMPROVED! uniform," Hikaru said, handing me a plastic bag.

"Thanks guys!" I said, high fiving them. I peeked into the bag.

"Well, we'll call you a ride to get you home," Hikaru said.

"Thanks guys...again!" I said smiling.

"Anything for a friend like you!" Kaoru said.

"Follow us," The clones said at the same time, showing me the way to the front of their house.

Chapter 3 is DONE! I hope you enjoyed!

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