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THIS IS SO ONE OF MY FAVORITE CHAPTERS! *backflips out window cuz FTW*


Chap. 9-

"Woah..." Everyone said.

"Oki... Senpai..." Haruhi said. "YOU GUYS WE'RE AMAZING!"

"Really? Thanks!" Tamaki and I said at the same time. We shot glares at each other, crossed our arms, and turned opposite directions from each other. Yep... we hated each other...

"You guys..." Haruhi sighed.

"BE FRIENDS! Oki-Chan! Tama-Chan!" Honey said, running over towards us, rapping his arms around our necks, and pulling us closer to each other.

"Not a chance," We said at the same time. Then we each shot one-another the death glare. "Don't copy me..." We said simultaneously. "QUIT IT!"

"The commercial turned out awesome...!" Kaoru said, trying to change the subject. But both of us ignored him.

"Awkward..." Hikaru whispered.

"Oki! Honny, could you come here for a spell?" Haruhi's dad asked from the kitchen.

"Sure Uncle," I sighed, getting up and walking into the kitchen.

"Haruhi, where's the bathroom?" Tamaki grumbled.

"That way..." Haruhi said, pointing towards the opposite direction from where I went. Tamaki got up, and went to the bathroom.

"Guys... we need a plan to get these to to become better friends!" Haruhi ordered.

"What if we did what we did with Hikaru-Chan and Haru-Chan?" Honey asked. "What if we set Oki-Chan and Tama-Chan on a date!?"

"WHAT!?" Haruhi, Hikaru, and Kaoru yelled at the same time.

"You set us up on a date!?" Haruhi and Hikaru yelled.

"YOU WANT TO SEND OKI AND TAMAKI OUT ON A DATE!?" Kaoru yelled even louder, blushing.

"It would work..." Honey said, tears filling his eyes.

"It just might," Haruhi admitted, forgetting to be mad at everyone.

"Okay!" Honey said, standing up.

"Honey-Senpai?" Haruhi asked. But before he said anything, he ran into the kitchen.

"Oki-Chan!" Honey yelled.

"Sup' Honey-Senpai?" I asked.

"Can we go out for ice cream and shopping for fun Saturday!?" Honey asked.

"S-sure..." I stammered, surprised at his outburst.


"Why did Haruhi force me to wear this stupid dress!?" I wondered out loud, tugging at the stupid dress I was wearing.

"Sorry Oki," A familiar voice grumbled. "If you had to wait long..."

"Tamaki!? Where's Honey-Senpai!?" I asked him.

"Well..." Tamaki said.


"Tama-Chan!" Honey said into his cell phone.

"What is it Honey-Senpai?" Tamaki asked into his cell.

"*cough cough* I told Oki-Chan I would hang out with her all day and eat ice cream," Honey said, "But now i'm si-i-i- ACHOO! sick..."

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