//Chap 2// Hey Bro!

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Chapter 2-

The next day at Ouran Academy...

"HARUHI!" I yelled, running into Music Room #3.

"What!?" She yelled when I got to her. I grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her back and forth... which was difficult since she was in a booth.

"I CANT TAKE THIS UNIFORM!" I yelled tugging at the ugly yellow dress on my body. "WHY DON'T YOU HAVE TO WEAR ONE!? YOUR A-"

"A boy! Pshhh," Haruhi said, giving me a look that said 'shut up NOW!'

"What? But your a-" I was cut off by the clones lifting me off the ground and carrying me away from Haruhi.

Moments of explaining later...

"Hey bro..." I said awkwardly, walking back over to Haruhi.

"Haruhi... who's this?" A voice said. I turned my head and saw 2 girls sitting at the table with her.

'When did they get there...?' I wondered.

"This is my best friend, Oki. I've known her since birth, because our parents were really close!" Haruhi explained.

"You two must of been really close too!" One of the girls said.

'Time to have some fun...' I thought with a smirk.

"Oh yeah, we've been friends FOREVER!" I said, still smirking. Haruhi shot me a glare that said 'Don't you DARE say anything embarrassing!' I put my arm around her neck.

"I remember when we used to take baths together. You used to play with your little ducky all the time!" I said.

"Oki..." Haruhi said, embarrassed. The girls at the table started giggling.

"Well I better leave you 3 to your business," I said, walking away. "Enjoy yourselves!" I walked over to one of the empty booths and sat down. I looked around the room and watched everyone work. I saw a few girls wave at me, but no one actually said anything. I was starting to get bored, until I saw Tamaki get up and leave the table he was sitting at. The girls he was talking to turned to each other and started talking. I stood up and patted my pockets.

'All right! My prank hot sauce bottle!' I thought, taking out a plastic bag labeled 'Prank Materials' . I opened it and took out a small bottle of hot sauce, putting the bag back in my pocket. I sneaked over to the table Tamaki was sitting at. I opened the hot sauce and pored about half inside his tea cup.

'Score!' I thought, scurrying back to my seat. I watched as Tamaki sat back down to his seat and placed his tea cup to his lips.

"YAK!" He yelled after he took a sip. He stood up and threw the cup at the table. "HOT!" I couldn't help but fall over on the ground, laughing. I grabbed my stomach and laughed harder. The clones looked at me, and then at Tamaki. And then at me again. Figuring out what happened, they joined in the laughter of their friend's pain.

"Oki!" Haruhi said, stomping up to me and slapping my shoulder.

"What?" I asked. "This is funny!" I pointed at Tamaki who was pulling at his tongue and was rolling around on the ground. She slightly giggled but then stopped herself.

"Just don't do it again, okay?" She begged, returning to her table.

"It wouldn't be as funny the first time," I mumbled to myself, smirking.

"She got you good boss," Hikaru said, handing Tamaki a glass of water.

"Thanks," Tamaki said, taking the water and shooting me a death glare.

"Anytime boss," Hikaru said, smirking. Lucky for him, Tamaki didn't see the smirk. Tamaki quickly chugged the glass of water, but then almost one microsecond after spit it out.

"Wh-what did you do to it!?" Tamaki yelled at Hikaru.

"Salt... LOTS of salt," Kaoru said with a laugh.

"All three of you guys are... your little devils!" Tamaki said, sighing and walking away. The twins walked over to me, giving me high fives.

"Hey Oki... how would you like to help me and Kaoru prank one of our teachers?" Hikaru asked me.

"Whats in it for me?" I asked, half joking and half serious.

"Well... one of our maids taught us how to work with clothing..." Kaoru started.

"We could get your school uniform more to your liking," The twins said at the same time. I turned and grabbed the twin who closest to me by the collar. The twin who was closest was Kaoru.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" I yelled, shaking Kaoru back and forth.

"Yes and umm, Oki?" Kaoru asked.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Could you put me down?" He asked.

"Bleh!" I said, my face turning bright red. "Sorry!" I said letting go of Kaoru.

"It's fine," He said with a nervous chuckle.

"So whats the prank going to be?" I asked.

"Well I was thinking *whisper whisper* and then maybe *whisper*," Hikaru explained.

"Are we actually gonna do that?" I asked with a giggle.

"Sure! Why not!?" Hikaru said.

"Unless your... CHICKEN!" The clones taunted at the same times, making chicken wings with their arms.

"No way! LETS DO THIS!" I yelled, stomping out the door.

"Oki! Wait!" Hikaru yelled.

"Yeah?" I asked, stomping back in the room.

"We don't have any supplies to do the prank," He explained.

"Lets go to the store then!" I said triumphantly, fist pumping and stomping out of the room again. The clones exchanged glances but followed me out the door.

And that's the end of of chapter 2! HOPE YOU ENJOYED!

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