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Before I start the chapter, I wanted to thank Hellosweetie4737 for the EXTREMELY kind review OwO now I can get to the chapter...

Chapter 8-

"OKI!" Kaoru yelled. He ran towards the edge and saw my body fall out the window towards the ground.

"KAORU!" I yelled, raising my hand up. He leaned over the window and threw his arm down. I reached up, and grabbed his hand. Tears we're still rolling down my cheek from the flash back, but I started smiling from relief and the fact that I wasn't, you know, DEAD right now.

"Oki! Are you okay!?" Kaoru asked, pulling me up.

"I'm fine," I said, grabbing the edge of the window and pulling myself threw said window and into my room.

"Well we might as well start on the lyrics, if your SURE your ok..." He said, helping me up from the ground.

"Yep! Lets start!" I said with a smile.


I opened my eyes and saw I was in my bed with the covers over me.

'Was that all a dream?' I wondered. I rubbed my eyes and sat up in my bed.

'WHAT THE HELL!?' I screamed in my head. I saw Kaoru sitting in my desk, looking down at a piece of paper. 'Oh, maybe it wasn't a dream... but how did I get in my bed?'

A bit earlier~

"She fell asleep..." Kaoru whispered, looking at me passed out on half of my bed, half on the ground. He walked over to me, and lifted me fully on my bed, throwing the covers over me.

"I might as well continue working on the lyrics myself," He thought out loud, walking back over to my desk.

Back to when I woke up~

"Oh, your up!" Kaoru said, seeing me sitting up in my bed. I turned to the clock.

"5am," It read.

"Shouldn't you head home?" I asked him, rubbing the sleep out of my eye. "It's pretty late... or pretty early... YOU CAME HERE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, I DONT REALLY KNOW IF THATS LATE OR EARLY!"

"I finished the song," He said, handing me a piece of paper.

"This is really good!" I said when I finished reading it.

"You did most of the work Oki," He chuckled. He got out of the chair and headed out the door. "See ya later Oki!"

"Yeah, yeah," I said, waving my hand at him and not looking up from the piece of paper he handed me.

A few days later, at the Host club~

"Helllo!" I said cheerfully, walking into Music Room 3.

"Oh, hey Oki!" Haruhi said, walking over to me. "How'd the song lyrics go?"

"It was hard, BUT IT'S DONE!" I yelled, shoving a pile of papers at her.

"Great job!" Haruhi clapped.

"Lemme see if thats any good," Tamaki grumbled, taking the papers from me. His eyes scanned the words, and started blushing. "This is... really good," He admitted. He looked down at the ground, admitting the fact he was gone. He handed me the papers and went to sulk in a corner.

"Senpai..." Haruhi sighed. I turned and saw Kaoru, I gave him a thumbs up, and he replied with another thumbs up.

"OKI-CHAN!" Honey yelled, running over to me and grabbing on my arm. "DID YOU FINISH THE SONG!?"

"Yep!" I said with a smirk. "Go show Kyouya this! And make sure to rub it in his face," I told him, handing him the lyrics.

"Okay!" Honey said, running off with the papers towards Kyouya. I watched him talk to him, and then LITERALLY RUBBED THE PAPERS IN HIS FACE. He grabbed them and started reading, and then walked over to me. I gulped, and prepared myself for what insults he was going to throw at me.

"These lyrics are exceptionally well," He said, handing me the papers back. "But why did you have to tell him to shove the papers in my face..."

"Hehe, sorry about that..." I apologized, scratching the back of my head. "And I know EXACTLY how to make this commercial!"

A few days later~

"SHH!" I commanded, as everyone crowded around Haruhi's TV in her apartment. "ITS ABOUT TO PLAY!"

"I still dont understand why we're watching it at my house... you all have bigger TVs then me..." Haruhi sighed.

"SHH!" Honey, the clones, and I yelled at her. "ITS ABOUT TO START!"

"Are owls crouding your driveway? THEN YOU NEED THE OWL SCOOPER! ONLY $9.99-" The TV commercial said.

"Wrong channel," I sighed, reaching over to change the channel. "Here it it!"

On the screen~

I was laying down on top of a grand piano, in a beautiful dress (that I was forced to wear) and holding a microphone. Tamaki walked in, wearing a fancy suit, and sat down on the piano bench. He gently placed his hands on the piano, and started playing a song. ( watch?v=0TtGaZm3uW8) When it was time for the lyrics, I took a deep breath and started singing.

yuugure chiisana kage ga hashaide

watashi o toorisugi ieji e kaette yuku

ano hi anata to konna fuukei

okutte kawashita ne

futari dake no takaramono o

kokoro de musubareta yakusoku

ima mo ima mo taisetsu ni

idaite itsuno hi ka anata ni atte soshite

hataseru sonna hi o

watashi shinjinagara sugoshitemasu

ima goro doko ni iru no deshou ka?

kawashita yakusoku kokoro ni mada aru kana

kisetsu watatte shibatta keredo

kawarazu ano koro no anata dato negatte imasu

omokage musurettemo yakusoku

ima mo ima mo kono mune no mannaka o atsuku shite

shikkari kokoro kokoro musubareteru

koto o watashi shinjinagara matteimasu

anata ni aetanara yakusoku sotto sotto

tazunetai ano hi no futari e to modoreru

naraba douka mouichido

yakusoku shite ne shinjinagara inottemasu

(replay the song~)

Tamaki continued playing the piano, and I continued singing. But on the screen, there was a slide show of everyone from the host club, either on duty or just hanging out together. At the end, Tamaki got off the piano, gave me a hand to help me down, and we stood in front of the piano. One at a time, everyone else came out either from the left or the right side, wearing fancy suits. We all stood together, and bowed.

"Come to music room #3" We all said at the same time, "At Ouran Academy. We'll be waiting!" And the screen slowly went black.

End o' chap. 8!

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