Emerald: Sparring

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She stayed as far away from Ruby as possible without looking suspicious as she led them to an isolated area where Tyrian and Nora faced off, Nora looking far too excited.

Emerald positioned herself behind all four of them, Mercury being sure to stand out of the way. Tyrian smiled. "Ready?"

Nora gripped her hammer. "Ready!"

Tyrian pretended to jump at Nora, and when the girl moved to block, Emerald struck.

Team RNJR were sucked into a portal that had been set to send them back to the ruins of Beacon. Before the portal closed, Emerald dropped the illusion and smirked at the four. 

Ruby's face was one of rage, and Jaune looked utterly confused. Nora looked disappointed, and Ren was emotionless.

Emerald closed the portal just as Ruby launched herself at them, and took a deep breath. "Well, that was fun."

Mercury ran his hand through his hair. "I'm glad to be myself again."

Tyrian laughed maniacally. "Good work, you two! Did they ever suspect?"

Emerald shook her head, feeling proud of herself. "No. Jade and Robin were the most convincing bubbles of energy I've ever conjured."

"Good. Lady Salem will be pleased to hear this. Let's go back before any students see we're here."

Tyrian walked past them, and Mercury turned as well. Emerald closed her eyes, ready to teleport all of them, and slipped her hand into Mercury's.

He squeezed it, and Emerald teleported them.

Tyrian ran ahead to notify Salem, which Mercury seemed happy about. He didn't seem to like the slightly insane partner of Cinder's, which Emerald could understand if Tyrian wasn't like a mentor to her already.

In Salem's throne room, Emerald and Mercury sat in their chairs along with the other members of Salem's council. 

Suddenly, the doors swung open, and in came Salem, dress trailing out behind her and beads in her hair clinking. 

She sat down, and smiled at Emerald. "How did the mission go, child?"

Emerald ducked her head with respect. "Team RNJR is back at Beacon, my lady. The illusion held well."

Salem nodded, pleased. "Tyrian, would you like to verify this?"

The assassin grinned. "With pleasure, my lady. Emerald's illusion held extremely well, and the girl and her friends are with the Grimm now."

Emerald met his eyes, and there was approval and the normal excitement in them. 

Salem closed her eyes, and when she opened them, she looked extra pleased. "One of them is already hurt, and they are in no condition to fight. The Grimm I sent there have no intention of letting them leave, so we may strike at Haven when we please."

Everyone nodded, ready to accept their roles. "Watts, you will make sure no Atlas military interferes with this plan. We cannot have Ruby Rose's team meeting up again, even two of them."

Dr. Watts nodded, and Salem continued. "Tyrian, Cinder, Mercury. You will be fighting away the students on the front line with me and my special Grimm."

Mercury's eyes widened, and he met Emerald's eyes as Salem continued. "Hazel, you will be keeping all Faunus in line so that Blake and that monkey Faunus do not interfere."

The large warrior nodded, a smile on his face. 

Salem turned to Emerald, her eyes flashing red. "Emerald. You have the easiest job of all, after all your hard work. You will be on the island of Patch, at Ruby Rose's house, striking fear into Yang Xiao Long with her own thoughts. We cannot have her anywhere near us, now that she wants revenge on Adam."

Emerald gasped. "Thank you, my lady." She was shocked that Salem had given the job of messing with Yang's head, but happy she wasn't on the front line.

As they left the hall, Mercury came up to her and hugged her. "I'm glad she's not putting you in danger. Still, be careful with Yang. You never know when she might snap."

The end! I love these two, even though there's not really a clear plotline to this story xD Feel free to contribute to the book club of comments, and I will see you bookworms in the next fanfiction! c:

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