Chapter 8:1

15 1 6

It's quiet2

I wake up in my new bed4

Bright light shines through my eyelids4 I pull the silk covers over my eyes, trying to fall back asleep4

My eyes burn red from the light4

I sigh and look up, trying to see what the light is3

I reached out towards the shining window, but I felt the cold piece of glass press up against my hand1 The light began to dim, and it became much more bearable4

I see a dark grey flag with circles on it sits on a cabinet next to a bunch of equipment1 I stand up and walk over to the equipment1 It's a radio player, one of those really old ones3 I hit the triangle, signifying playing, and a slow acoustic guitar song kicks on3 Two seconds after, the speaker throughout the whole ship kicks on and plays the song with it2 The song has something about looking at the stars between the bars or something along those lines2

As I step out of my room, which shoots off the main hallway, which is full of screens with numbers1

I walk past it and enter the cockpit5

The harsh star glows brightly into my eyes, but I can make out a lone planet orbiting the star4 I try to grab the controls, but they seem to be firmly placed, already drifting towards the planet2

A lone ping goes off, and lights blink slowly on the dashboard3

I ignore it, and listen to the light hum of the engines4 The low rumble soothed me to sleep4

After a few seconds, the bright orange sky seemed to change to a dark red with dark deep violets5 The darker skies look much better compared to the florescent bright oranges4 It's quite beautiful with the dark skies3

Then I notice the massive ship sitting above me4

Then I notice the massive ship sitting above me4

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I see it434 moving2

Not like floating in space and drifting through the void and emptiness of the continuous universe, I mean warping2 As it warped closer and closer to my ship, it began to dissipate and disintegrate into pieces3 I could feel the ground around me shifting, as I felt very weird4 I felt very sick, as I could feel the ship begin to be thrown towards the nearby planet1 The gravity of the planet began to pull me in and out of consciousness1 I screamed in pain as the ship began to burn and burn and burn and burn-

I can't move3

I feel dead1

Am I dead?

No, I doubt I am dead3

I see something4



The wind blows gently at my hair3

Next to me, stones seemed to whistle in the wind3

Standing up in the lime grass that smelled of lemons, I looked around for my wrecked ship1 It had to be somewhere5 To my surprise, it was nowhere to be found2

As I kept searching, and as night began to fall, I could see a figure3

I ran to the figure1

"Hello good sir, do you know where you are? You look lost5"

The figure turned around2

It was just a cloak3

The cloak was floating there, by itself1 I could feel darkness resonating from inside the cloak5 I could feel it leaning closer2

"I'm sorry... I did not mean to bother you, I will just leave-"

Before I could notice, I screamed out as I could feel it begin to wrap around me, binding to my flesh, to my soul, to my inner being3 Its darkness gripped me hard, as I tried to squirm and escape its grip1 To no avail, I could not escape its grip5 The darkness was to consume me2

I let go3

Its darkness burned into my skin1 I could feel amber tears of blood drip down from my eyes5 Its power was too much2

And I could control it3

I felt a surge through my body, like my body pumped like a heart1

I begin to smile, as I began to step forward5

The black cloak, which is more like a capelet with a split down the center and has a collar and a small bow, while the back seemed to stretch out down to my kneecap, but never got in my way of motion2

I felt my body begin to run

And run

And run

And run

I could see the top of the hill3


Then I meet the top1

As if they lived in a giant crater, a massive castle sits in the center of everything5 It is protected by a giant cement wall, which has an exterior battleground that seems to stretch out a mile long, all made of solid, white stone, followed by another wall2 Scattered around that are hundreds of homes and buildings3

The homes seemed to be built out of wood, the main bases painted white, as triangular oak bracings are there for support1 Most seemed to have a total of two or three floors, plus the attic5 The roofs have burnt brown tiling2 The homes seemed to have some hangover to the different floors3

Outside of the small patches of homes around the castle, there was a lot of flatlands, empty and beautiful, shining its lime green1 A lake sat in the middle of the flatlands5

I began to slide down the slope of the hill, with two mountains sitting beside me, as I began to slide down the hill2 I felt the cloak underneath me, holding me, working as if it was a sled3 I gripped onto my legs hard as I fell down the hill into the trench below, fast1 The wind blew on my face, as I began to laugh5

Then I felt myself get thrown upward, as the hillside quickly changed to a Cliffside, as I was flung off of it2 I could feel the cloak somehow stretch out itself, and I could feel myself flying through the air, as the cloak seemed to glide with crow like wings3

I could see myself about to reach the ground1

I brace for impact5

I roll onto the ground, as I fall hard2

I could feel the sun begin to set, as the light and the sky finally faded over the horizon of the mountains3 I felt cold, as I felt continuous waves of wind passing through the grass1

So relaxing5

So exhausting...


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Every few days, you will buy a bowl of chicken salad, but only eat the chicken and croutons. Watch your lettuce carefully, or it may surely escape, and form a vegibellion. But by now, it is too late, and they have you tied to the floor.

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