Cas stared at the glowing object that Dean had set in his hand, before pulling Dean in to a hug. Dean was hesitant at first but he hugged him back. "Thank you Dean." Cas finally said, letting go of the hunter. Dean just simply nodded in response. Dean left the angel, who didn't really notice he was to side tracked by the grace he was now holding.
Next Day
Sam had narrowed down the location Gabriel had given him. He was up most of the night working on it. When he heard Dean and Castiel talking he got up and rushed to find them, so he could tell them. They were in the kitchen. He stopped at the door when he saw them making breakfast together. He smiled, not wanting to walk in and interrupt them. They both looked so happy.
Castiel had gotten up early in the morning, before either of the brothers. He decided he'd make them breakfast, which wasn't working out to well when he couldn't get the stove to turn on. Normally if he wanted to turn it on or make them breakfast he'd use his grace, but Dean said not to use it until they found the place where they could get his full grace back. So he promised he wouldn't use the grace he had.
After 10 minutes of trying to get the stove to turn on, with no success, Dean woke up and came in to the kitchen. "Morning Castiel." He said walking over to cas, so he could see what he was trying to accomplish. "Hello Dean." Cas said, kneeling on the ground in front of the stove.
"What are you trying to do to the stove?" Dean asked, tilting his head, the same way Cas always does.
"I was trying to turn the stove on so that I could make you and Sam breakfast. But I can't get it to work." He explained, sitting on the floor looking up in to Dean's beautiful bright green eyes.
"Here let me help." Dean said, reaching over Cas to trun the stove on for him.
"Thank you Dean." Cas said, as he got to his feet. He stood very close to Dean, slightly looking up in to his eyes.
Cas fetched some bowls and a frying pan. Dean got the eggs and milk from the fridge, then grabbed a box of pancake mix.
They worked together making breakfast. Cas was trusted to mix the pancake batter while Dean cooked the eggs.
When Dean finished the eggs Cas past him the batter he had mixed up, it seemed to look a lot like soup. With out Cas noticing, because he was busy setting the table, Dean added more of the powdered mix before making the pancakes.
Dean made ten pancakes, before Cas came over and offered to help.
"Well there's only enough for two pancakes, I've got it." Dean said to Cas' offer.
"Dean, I was the one who wanted to make you breakfast. I can make the last two pancakes." Cas explained.
Dean let out a sigh. "Okay Cas. Just don't burn them."he handed the bowl of batter and spatula to Cas, who's eyes lit up when handed the bowl.
Dean stood close so he could watch Cas closely so he wouldn't burn them to badly.
Of course they burnt when Cas couldn't flip the first one and refused Dean's help the other side was perfect.
When Cas started the second pancake Dean had grabbed his own spatula, not wanting another burnt pancake. "Flip this one now." Dean said. "How do you know? It might not be cooked yet." Cas replied.
"Just flip the pancake Cas!" Dean said, louder than before. Cas did as Dean said and flipped the pancake over, it was golden brown.
"See it was perfect." Dean said, as he put down his spatula. Cas looked over his shoulder at Dean quickly before turning his full attention back to the cooking pancake.
"Don't let this side burn and then you will have made a perfect pancake." Dean muttered, as he looked through the fridge for some maple syrup. He found a half empty bottle in the back.
"Okay Cas it should be cooked by now." Dean said, setting the bottle on the table. "Cas?" Dean said, when there was no response. He turned around to see what Cas was doing, there was smoke coming from the pan. "Cas!" Dean said, rushing over before a fire started. He removed the pan and turned off the stove.
"Why'd you trun the heat up?" He asked, taking the pancake off the pan and putting it on a plate, even though it was mostly burnt. "I didn't." Cas said, looking very sad.
Sam watched as Cas was left to cook the rest of the pancake. When Dean went to check how he was doing there was smoke coming off the pan. "Hey Samsquatch." Gabriel said, winking at Sam as he walked by.
"Morning Destiel.... I mean boys." Gabriel said, entering the kitchen and taking a seat. Dean rolled his eyes and continued putting the pancakes and eggs out on the other plates.
"Hey morning Sammy." Dean said, when Sam finally entered the kitchen. "Uh morning Dean." Sam said, walking over to the table to take a seat.
Sam sat at the farthest seat from Gabriel. Of course Gabriel got up and moved closer so he was now sitting beside the hunter. "Come on Sam don't ignore me like this." He said, leaning on the table. "I'm not ignoring you." Sam added.
"Then why'd you sit so far away? Since your not ignoring me." He pointed out. Sam actually ignored the angel this time.
"Hey Dean I have something I need to tell you." He said, getting up. They both exited the kitchen.
"Morning Cassie you're very quiet this morning. What's up?" Gabe said, when Cas sat down.
"Stop calling me that." He said, setting his plate of food down. "Oh come on whys everyone around here so touchy lately." Gabe said, taking a bit of food that was on Sam's plate. It was the severely burnt pancake. "Damn it!" He said, realising he just ate the burnt one.
"What's wrong? Something not taste right?" Cas said, with a small grin. "You knew I'd take this pancake didn't you. And that I turned up the heat." He nodded. "Aww that's my baby brother!" Gabe added, grabbing and pulling Cas in to a bear hug. Just as the Winchester brothers came back.
"Uh...what's going on here?" Sam said, confused to see Gabriel hugging Castiel. "He's my brother." Gabe said, letting go and going back to the seat beside Sam's spot. No one bothered to ask what he was talking about. They all just sat down and ate there food. Gabriel ate the burnt pancakes that had been given to Sam.
*Authors Note*
Hey guys I know it's been awhile but school is more important. I'll try to update a couple times over Christmas break. Hope you liked this chapter. Bye for now.

FanfictionCas has lost his grace and ran away. The Winchesters go to find him, and Gabriel tries to help.