Sam and Gabe sat in the kitchen eating the pancakes Gabe had made. They talked about how and where to get Cas' grace back. After along silence between them Gabe spoke up.
"So we're not going to talk about our brothers, and their cuddle? You know Dean was blushing a little when he came in to the kitchen." Sam stopped his typing and looked at the angel with the look of "really" on his face. "It's true, I'm not lying to you." Gabe added, looking in to Sam's hazel eyes with his golden brown ones.
They stayed like that, just staring into each others eyes until Cas entered the room. "Morning Gabriel." Cas said, they both snapped out of it and looked at Cas.
He still had his hospital cloths on, white pants and a white v-neck short sleeve shirt.
"Morning Cassie...Nice hair." Gabe replied, laughing at his brothers hair. It was messier than usual. "Cas. Uh, here." Sam said, grabbing a plate of food for him.
"Thank you Sam." Cas said, taking a seat at the table. The three of them stayed silent as they finished eating.
Dean came out of his room later that day, just after 1. He headed to the kitchen for some food. He was starving he hadn't eaten since yesterday.
Sam was sat at the table he was on his laptop. "Hey Sammy." Dean said, walking past his little brother. He grabbed a burger that was in the fridge, along with two bottles of beer.
Sam looked up from his laptop as Dean sat down across from him. He slide a bottle of beer over to him, before taking a sip of his.
"Where's Cas?" Dean asked, setting down the bottle to unwrap the burger.
"He's with Gabriel. They went out." Sam said. "Don't worry I know where they are. They're at a diner in town." He added after seeing Deans reaction. Dean took a bit of his burger. "Did you give Cas the grace that Gabe gave you?" Sam asked, opening his beer and taking a sip of it.
"No. He was sleeping when we got back. I left it on the table by the couch. Why do you ask?" Dean questioned his brother.
"Gabe said he may have found where to get Castiels full grace back." Sam answered, pulling up a map on his laptop and turning it for Dean to see.
*So there it is. Sorry it was late. Not sure when I'll update again. Hope you enjoyed this chapter bye for now :) *

FanfictionCas has lost his grace and ran away. The Winchesters go to find him, and Gabriel tries to help.