Day 3: Distance and Connections

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Bold = Yuu

Italics = Mika

It was late at night. Neither of the boys could sleep. It had been weeks since they had seen each other in battle, and it was driving them both nuts not knowing if the other was alright.

Yuu hadn't been able to sleep, so he stared out the window at the sky.

Mika did the same, hundreds of miles away from wherever his Yuu-chan was.

Do you have any idea how worried I am for you? Those vampires are no good for you. Why do you stay there?

Do you know how much I care for you? The humans you're with are nothing but liars. So why do you side with them?

Every time I'm sent out on a mission, I hope to see you; to simply hear word that you're okay.

Everyday I search for any sign of a human, thinking they might know how you are and where you are. I wish I knew you were safe.

Both of them sighed, resting their heads against the cool glass they were looking out of.

I wanted to run away with you, Mika. I truly did, but I have another family who needs me too.

I know why you stayed with them, Yuu-chan, I just don't think it was a smart choice. I am you're family. I'm all you need.

You're probably mad at me, and I don't blame you, but I wish you'd understand. I had thought you were dead for years. I had finally moved on, accepted the fact that I had friends that cared about me as a person. As me.

I wish you were here, happy like we used to be with the other Hyakuya's. I wish they were here too...

It's late nights like these that make me wonder where you are. Are you close? How far are you? Will we be meeting tomorrow? The day after tomorrow?

I fear that we'll meet on the battlefield and you'll perish to the hands of your fellow comrades. I suppose I feel the same as well, though I worry for your safety far more than my own.

What if we have to fight one another? I couldn't bring myself to kill you, nor could you do the same for me. I worry about your life more than my own, I hope you know.

They looked at the moon with a longing look.

"I love you more than you could possible imagine, so stay safe for me. Live so that we may see each other at our next meeting."

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