[Kylo] Date Crasher(Smut)

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Requested by Black-Ketchup

Imagine you are Kylo Ren's apprentice and he kinda gets jealous when General Hux aspks you put on a date. What will happen when Kylo ruins yours and Hux's date and why the cause of this.

Y/n P.O.V

"Come on (y/n), my grandfather can use the force better than you right now. It's not that hard picking a Damn stupid tie fighter " my teacher scolded. I can lift a helmet, rock, fruit or anything except for a ship. I mean this thing weighs a ton of you know what I mean. I finally just gave up and the tie fighter drops making a sound of a bang . I sat on one of the benches and took a breather.
" I cant..its too big" I breathed then Kylo said "Size does not matter" he stands before me then I stood up to look at him. "Look Kylo-" he cuts me off. "Master "he corrects me.
" 'Master ' Moving stones and all other crap are one thing this is totally different" I pointed out.
"No. No different, only different in your mind. You must unlearn what you have learned. " he finishes then I scoffed rolling my eyes. "Fine I'll try again" I bumped my shoulder to him then grabs my arm. "No! Not try!
Do...or Do not, there is no try" he scolded. His face was close to mine until someone came inside the hangar room. It was General Hux walking towards us, he's a very kind and gentle man better than Kylo who is nothing but a heartless beast.
"What do you want General " Kylo said with attitude. Gosh why Kylo needs to be mean all the time to Hux.
"Well Ren, I would like to speak with Ms.(y/n) here alone" he politely asked.
"She has no time to-" I cut him off.
"Actually I would like to speak with you General " he returns me a smile then we walk out of the room. I stared back at Kylo who is giving me the devils eyes. I honestly don't care.
As the door closes Hux has his hands behind his back smiling.
"So what is it you want to talk to me about" I asked as he scratches the back of his neck. " Well (y/n), I've always thought about you when you first joined the first order" he said nervously. " uh-huh, and."

"Well I'm was just wondering if you want to go on a date with me " he asked me. Well I've haven't been on a date for awhile since i took a break from that so I guess it won't hurt.
"I would love to go on a date with you.
" I don't have training tomorrow so 8:00 would be the best" I assured him and gave me a smile that showed his white teeth as he walked away. I went back inside the hanger. I saw Kylo slashing on the walls with his lightsaber. He turned it off turning around and walking away before saying "We're done for the day".

Time skip

Kylo's P.O.V
I slammed the door behind me. I walked back and forth thinking about (y/n) accepting Hux's proposal to go on a date with that freckled ginger nuts. Oh my God I almost kissed her but stupid General ruined that too.
I laid down on my bed to gather my thoughts. My thoughts about (y/n). Oh how her (h/l) (h/c) hair so soft and healthy. Her (e/c) eyes sparkle and shine, if you stare to long in those eyes you might get lost in them. Oh I can't forget about how soft skin.
And there is the self and righteous General Hux trying to steal my Angel. Yes, as crazy as it sounds I have fallen in love with my padawan. But what shall I do. I can't just let Hux get away with this, no I have to think of another way before it's too late .....'AHA!!
I GOT IT' I screamed in my mind. I'll just follow them and then BAM I will confess my feelings to her. Since its tomorrow I think I'll just sleep, yes yes sleep will do me good. I felt my eyelids getting very heavy as the darkness took over.

Skipping to the part where you are getting ready for your date with Hux and all that jazz okay? Okay.

Y/n P.O.V

This is your date night dress.

Since I didn't had anything nice to wear I had to borrow a outfit from (bff' S name). After I straitened my hair I put on that red dress and beige high heels. Then I put some light make-up. It was kinda hard putting on make up because it's been awhile since I started my training with Kylo Ren but why was he pissed off that made him slash the walls and stormed off like a bat out of hell. I jumped to the sound of knocking from my door, it must be Hux . I checked myself out in the mirror for any flaws and nothing I'm looking fine. I opened the door to see General Hux dressed in a all black suit and hair slick back.
"Wow (y/n), you look ravishing" he marvelled at how I looked as I blushed at his comment.
"Thank you General, you look quite nice yourself" I said.

"Thank you and call me Armitage" he said then pulled out his arm. "Shall we". I hooked my arm to his as we start to walk down the halls. "So where are we going if may I ask".

"It's a surprise " he smiled.

Kylo's P.O.V

I followed Hux and (y/n) walking with her arm hooked to his. 'That should be me' I thought. I'm using a stealth boy that I bought from the black market 2 days ago.
I read his mind and he is taking her to Naboo where a dinner is reserved at the palace.
Oh this is going to be interesting.

Time skiping to where Hux and you are flying to Naboo and you feel like someone is following you but you don't know it's kylo following you. And for those who do not know what a stealth boy is it's from the videogame called fallout. Anyways you land and go inside the palace.

Y/n's P.O.V

Armitage had blindfolded me as he was guiding me so I wouldn't bump or trip on anything.
I hear a door open and he undid the blindfold.
I gasped in shock. The dinning room lit with candles on a small round table with a bottle of champagne and glasses. I also spotted a futon with pillows by the fireplace.
"Oh Armitage it is beautiful, how can you afford something like this" he pulls out a chair for me to sit then pushes me in.
"Well I am a General with lots of money " he takes a seat pouring 2 glasses of champagne and hands me one then I hear violins playing.
Why do I have the feeling somethings about to happen.

Kylo's P.O.V

I can hear the violins playing inside, that should mean they'll start dancing. Not for long. I pushed open the doors and start sprinting up the stairs to the room where Hux and (y/n) are at.
This time I wasn't wearing my mask. I actually didn't bring it.
I finally made it to my destination and kicked opened the doors to see Hux almost about to kiss my girl until they both turned around with shocked expression.
"Master, what is the meaning of this " (y/n) asks almost pissed.

"Kylo this is a private date for me and your padawan" Hux chirps in.

"You will walk out of here and fly back to starkiller base immediately".

"I will walk out of here and fly back to starkiller base immediately " he repeated the words and left the room leaving me and (y/n) alone together at last.
"Who the fuck do you think you are ruining this date. What did I do to you ? Did I disobeyed something or you want to make my life a living he'll you heartless monster!" She snapped.
Her words did not hurt me. I walked closely to her pinning her to the wall by smashing my lips to hers roughly. She squirmed a little and try pushing me off her but then she gives into me kissing me back. We both seperate for breath putting our heads together . "I love you. I've always have and will." The words just rolled out of my mouth. She was quiet until she says "Kylo , I love you too. I'm sorry I've always thought about you as a monster." I smiled at her words then picked her up bridal style leading her to the futon next to the fireplace and I laid her down softly removing her shoes and slipping off her dress throwing it somewhere across the room. She wasn't wearing a bra but only underwear. "Master Ren , I believe it's unfair that I'm the one getting undress and not you" she said. I smirked at her comment as I stood up removing my robes and shoes.
I took off my pants along with my boxers. I see (y/n) blushing then looking away. I bent down removing her underwear. "Have you ever done this before " I asked her and shook her head. "It's okay" I placed a hand on her cheek "I'll be gentle" I pull out a condom out of my pocket ripping the plastic off then putting it on my erection. I spread her legs open a little lining myself against her clit. She puts her hands on my shoulder and wrapping her legs around my waist.
I pushed myself into her hearing her whimper as I kissed her lips. I pumped myself in and out of her in a slow pace. "Oh Kylo " she moaned in my ear. I thrusted into her a little fast.
I feel her nails scratching down my back as I groaned making me go faster. "Fuck, oh master Kylo please make me yours . Oh maker please" she begged. I then start to pound her in a quick pace. She felt so good and tight. She's mine and mine alone. No one can have her not even that ginger Nazi Hux . I start to kiss (y/n) on the neck to her collar bone then I sucked on her right nipple while I rubbed on her clit. I know the whole people of Naboo can probably hear us but I'm not caring. I then sucked at the other nipple as she ran her fingers through my hair. "Kylo.. I- I I'm coming " she moaned again. "Oh (y/n) please cum for me."
After 5 pumps she came on my clock and I came inside the condom.
I took myself out of her taking the condom out then laid next to her as she rested her head on my chest.
I wrapped my arms around her waist playing with her hair.
And then sleep took over us.

A/n: Hey Hey Hey what's up my peeps. Sorry it took me long  and Merry Xmas

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