[Kylo]the commander & the disrespected engineer (smuff)

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Requested by Rosebud1115
Well the title says it all you are a engineer and you don't get a lot of respect even though you're the only that fixes things better than anyone on starkiller base especially fixing Kylo Ren's mess. One day he finds out about you.  At first you hate his guts but then you guys warm up to each other and this lead to ❤. Hux finds out and the cats out of the bag
Plus Snoke finds out and he is not pleased with this and wants him to kill you but Kylo has other plans for you to save your life and when that ends things led to 💏👅❤💋💦

(Y/n's P.O.V)

"(Y/n) make yourself useful and fix the control system that are lovely commander destroyed" General Hux commanded and as I walked out of his office from fixing his stupid air conditioner (says to make his cat feel comfortable) and the doors closed I raised my middle finger and mouthed 'fuck you red Nazi ' and walked my way to the control system.  Why I'm always fixing up his shit ? Does he not realise that I'm the only one fixing his fucking mess ? Oh wait, of course he doesn't.  Actually no one realise the shit I do they barley recognize me and sometimes get my name wrong.

⏺I get no respect .

⏺I get gum in my hair cause when I'm fixing wires from under I get gum on my hair from the desk while I go to my room and put peanut butter on my hair.

⏺I get yelled at for no apparent reason.

⏺Stormtroopers always kick my wrench while I'm working the compactor.

⏺and I'm treated like shit every fucking day.

So yeah, that's how fucked up my job is. Well what did I expect I mean this is the first order the cruelest of the bad and reminds me of Nazi Germany in the history books and general Hux is the red ginger Hitler.  It was not like I had a choice, my father needed a place to work and chosed this place.
He died when I was 14 years old and I took on his job.

I get to the control system and I see wires and slash marks . My head falls back letting out a UGH.

6 hours of fixing this crap

Finally I'm done fixing this fucking crap once again. Then started heading to my quarters....well I wouldn't call it that.  My room was small like compare to a scavenger home. There was a little stove, a fridge and a bed. Oh and how do I piss and shower I go to the ladies locker room. Yeah I know sad right. But wait there's more, everyone gets the real good room and I'm the only one who has the shitty room. Right when I was making my way to my room I bump into something hard making me drop my tools as I went to go pick them up I hear a mechanical voice say "watch where you're going you pathetic engineer ". That voice belonged to Kylo Ren the commander of destroying shit. As I got done gathering my tools I stood up and said it loud and clear.

"Fuck you!" He stopped in his tracks and turns swiftly around.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!?!" He barked.

"I said Fuck YOU!!!" I sped walk towards him pointing my finger at his stupid mechanic mask.
"I'm always the one fixing and cleaning up your crap and you dared to call me pathetic engineer? Oh I got news for you bub. You're a pathetic Comander cause how you throw temper tantrums and moping around scaring people to death and we also waist all our money on expensive equipment because of you." I turned around walking into my room not before I stuck my middle finger out and slammed my door grabbing my pillow as I let out a scream then after that I cried.

Kylo's P.O.V

How dare she talked like that to me. Who the fuck do she thinks she is ? Oh my force I wanted to choke out that bitch but decided not to. I walked into General Hux's office and asked him for the name of the Damn girl who fixes my mess. He hands me the data pad and the name appears to be (y/n) (l/n) daughter of (f/n), he died in a engineer accident. Damn that sucks.
I brought up the camera halls of her working and what I saw made my blood boil.  After everything she's done she gets treated like shit. It even made me more angry for myself to call her pathetic. She's smart and fixes things well, she should get a promotion. I slammed the holopad down on his desk and went to see

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