하나 - Lost.

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I've been looking for my lost twin sister for a while now. My father took me with him after he left Zeoh and my mom. Zeoh doesn't even know that I exist. Her Twinsister, Zoëy.
I found out that Zeoh lives with this boy band, EXO? In South Korea.
I arrive at their dorm and I knock, a tall boy opens. "Zeoh?!" He yells and he steps back.
I laugh and I shake my head, "Hi, I'm Zoëy. I'm Zeoh's twinsister. I've never met her and I finally found her! Where is she?!" I say happy and the tall boy in front of me looks sad. "Suho hyung!" He yells and a other boy gets to the door. He looks at me and looks back at the other boy. "Who is this? And why does she kinda look Zeoh" he says and I bow. "Hi I'm Zoëy, where is Zeoh?!" I started to worry. What if something happened to Zeoh. "Aigoo.. Zeoh-ssi, she.. she's dead"

"She what?!" I yell and tears fall from my cheeks, I finally found her.. but she isn't even here anymore. "Come inside" says the taller boy and I get inside. It's a pretty big house. 3 other boys are playing video games while a other boy is laying on the ground. He looks sad, "Sehun! Look it's Zeoh's twinsister" says the boy next to me and the boy on the ground looks up. His eyes look puffy, like he just cried. "What are you doing here" says Sehun mad and I smile awkwardly. "Well.. I was looking for my sister" I say sad and he growls. "Fuck off" he says and the boy next to me gets mad.
Suho was his name right?
"Sehun-yaa! You can't be like that to her. Look at her, she could replace Zeoh for us" he says and I look weird at him. What was Zeoh to them.. "No one can replace her! Fuck you all!" Says Sehun and he walks upstairs. "Sorry for him, I'm Chanyeol by the way" says the tall boy from before and I blush.

"Where are you going to stay?" Says Chanyeol and I look down. I was planning to stay with Zeoh.. "Well I don't know" I say sad. I only got a one way ticket to Korea. And I have no job.. I have nothing now.. "You can stay here" says Suho and I smile. "Thanks!" I say happy and Suho grabs my suitcase. "You can sleep with me or in Zeoh's old room" he says and I look at him. He's kinda hot.. "It's kinda weird too sleep in her bed.." I say shy and he nods. "Come" he says and I follow him to what I think is his room. He opens the door and I see Sehun laying in bed. He's crying. He looks at me, "What the fuck is she doing here?! Don't tell me she's sleeping here?!" He says mad and Suho sighs. "Do you want her to sleep in Zeoh's bed then?!" Says Suho mad and Sehun shakes his head. "She can stay in my bed, I'm sleeping in Zeoh's room" says Sehun and he gets up.

"Why is he so mean to me.." I say sad and Suho stands in front of me. "He was madly in love with Zeoh and he is having a hard time" he says and I nod. Suho comes closer to me and stokes my face. "You're so beautiful. Weird that you look like Zeoh but you also don't look like her"
It's true I actually don't really look like Zeoh, I mean our face shape and all that is the same. But I'm 1.70 and she's 1.55, I have long straight red hair and she has short curly black hair.
I have naturally light brown eyes and she has really dark brown almost black eyes.

I snap back in reality, seeing Suho in front of me. "You know.. Zeoh was something of us.. something special.. and.. and I want you to be that too" he says and I look confused.
"Be what?" I say and he kisses my cheek.
"Let me show you.." he says and I nod my head. He starts stroking my body and he kisses my neck. "It's been a while since I've made love to a girl. Even to Zeoh it was just nothing.. but you.. you do something with me Zoëy" he says.
He and Zeoh.. had sex?!
He pushes me on his bed and I gasp, what is happening?! "Are you sure about this? You want me to do this to you Zoëy?" He says.
I nod my head, I want this.. why do I want this..
Suho's hands go under my skirt, stroking my heat. He looks at me with full lust and I blush.
"Don't be shy" he says and I kiss him. He puts his hands on my waist and I put mine on his shoulder.

The door opens and I shock, Sehun looks mad at Suho. "Zeoh isn't even gone for so long and you're already kissing this whore!" He says and I walk towards him. I slap him, "Who are you calling whore you crybaby!" I yell and Sehun puts his hand on his cheek. "If she's going to be a replacement of Zeoh, I don't want to have sex with her" he says mad and he leaves the room.
Huh.. what was Zeoh, "What does he mean with that?" I say and Suho pulls me closer to him.
"Be ours Zoëy, we will all make love to you, take care of you, you can even live here with us. Please.. babe be ours" he says, be theirs.. their what?! "What do you mean with making love?! What do you mean Suho!" I yell mad and he sighs. "I hate it to say it in this way.." he says and I look at him.

"Be our Sex Slave" he says and I look shocked.

"Uhm.. uhm.. okay" I respond and he looks happy.

What am I doing.

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