T h r e e

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"Wake up. Wake up. Wake up." I groan and roll over instead. "Wake up." I then feel a weight pushing and I slowly start moving off. My eyes shoot open to find a struggling Caleb. I grab the nearest object, which is a pillow, and start hitting him with it. It doesn't phase him, he just pushes harder.

"Caleb! Stop or else!" I yell.

"Or else what?" He stops for a second.

"Or else I'll blow my rape whistle."

"You don't own one."

"You don't know that." I say in a matter-of-fact tone. He rolls his eyes and starts to push me off the bed again. His progress is rapid since half my body is already off the bed. "I'll do anything!" I scream and try to fight my way back into the bed.

"You do my chores for the entire time we're here." He smirks.

"No." I answer. He then gives me one hard push and I fly off the bed. I scream as I fall onto the wood floors. I groan at the impact and try to get up. I fail and fall right back down. I hear laughing from outside the door. I get up and this time, I don't fall. Surprised, I make my way down the stairs and just keep walking, having no clue to where I'm going. I strut my petty but to the dining room and take a seat. I check the clock that is across the room: 7:57. I have to wait 3 minutes until breakfast. I try to name all the things that involve a clock in those three minutes.


"You get the limo out front!" I scream along to the song while running around the house. The family is returning sometime or another to fill out some more paper work. And then there's more paper work that they have to finish tomorrow. They're busy bees.

"Ooo!" Kie screams too.

"Hottest styles every shoe every color!" We shout together.

"Yeah when your famous it can be kinda fu-" we get interrupted by the doorbell.

"Saved by the bell." Caleb says as he walks in the room to get the door. We stick or tongues out at him.

"Hey, where's Ms. Chevy anyways?" Kie asks.

"Don't know, don't care." I reply. She just shrugs and continues to run around. I chase after her, causing the family to probably think we're the idiotic ones in the house. Which we may be. Well, you're only young once. Huh, when did I become a poet? Maybe  my biological mother or father had that trait. I wonder what they looked like. I wonder what their names were. Amy and Jake? Probably not. I shake the thoughts out of my head and look around for something to entertain myself with. Just then, 1 of the 3 Gods walks in. Our eyes meet and I smile. He returns the favor and starts walking towards me. I mentally squeal with excitement.

"Do you know where the bathroom is?" He asks. Of course. When a cute guy starts walking my way, they just come to ask where the bathroom is.

"Around the corner, 7th door on your right."

"Thank you. I'm Ryan. Nice to meet you."

"No problem. I'm Everly. Nice to meet you too." He extends his muscular hand which I take in mine and we give it a good shake.

"So. What do you do here, Everly?" Ryan asks.

"I usually get in trouble with the main worker. But let's try to find something better to do." He laughs and I grab his hand and run to the kitchen. "Let's play twenty one questions." I say and grab an apple.

"Okay. I'll start this show off," He rubs his hands together before continuing," if you don't mind me asking: why are you here?" He asks.

"That's something you have to earn." I wink at him. He rolls his eyes.

"Even though we just met, I can tell we're gonna be great friends." He tells me.

"It won't last forever though."

"Why not?"

"Because once your parents finally have the paperwork done, you guys won't come back unless it's for another kid."

"We'll just see about that." He smiles. I roll my eyes but something tells me to believe him. It's my turn to roll my eyes and I roll them gladly. He laughs and I laugh along with him.

Little did I know this was the beginning of something pure.

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