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The bell on flower shop's door rings, alerting everyone that it has been opened.

Two good looking men enter the shop and glance around, one being amazed by the assortment of flowers and the other looking for the people manning the shop.

Yoongi sees a small man with dyed blonde hair, go through the back door.

"Hello, what may I help you with today?" The small man says politely looking at the two.

"We're here to order flowers for a wedding." Yoongi says.

"Oh, a wedding. When will it be?" the other says whilst getting a notebook and a pen to write the details out.

"Around two to three weeks from now."

"What kind of--"

"Jimin I need--" the small man, named Jimin as Yoongi presumes was cut off by a man with freshly dyed strawberry blonde hair, the same man who attended to him last time, the one who smiles a lot.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know we had customers at the moment." The strawberry blonde man says and bows apologetically when he sees the two other men in the room.

He looks up at them and recognizes the one with black hair, "Hey, you're that guy who went to pick up some flowers for your friend last time right?" Yoongi nods at this.

"So, what brings you two here?" he smiles at them.

"They're ordering flowers for a wedding." Jimin interjects looking at him.

"Oooh, a wedding~" The strawberry blonde man says excitedly and claps his hands.

"Yeah and I was just getting the details until you barged in suddenly." Jimin says.

"Oh, haha. Yeah sorry, again, about that." He says a bit sheepishly.
"Okay, shall we continue with that then." he quickly adds.

An hour later, they've sorted out all the details.

"Well, I guess that's it. We'll just call or message you if we need to ask some stuff we may have forgotten but I think it's all good." Jimin says.

"If you could just kindly leave your contact details with us so we can just update you with certain stuff." The strawberry blonde man says.

Yoongi writes both his and Jeongguk's name and number on a piece of paper, then gives it to them.

"There you go, that's both of our contact numbers just in case one of us are unattended in the moment you try to contact us."

"Thank you for picking our flower shop to do the arrangements for your wedding, Mr. Min. " The strawberry blonde man says with a bright smile, then he quickly says "Oh, I'm sorry I just realized we haven't introduced ourselves, how rude of us."

"My name's Park Jimin, but Jimin is fine." the small blonde man says giving them a shy small.

"And I am Jung Hoseok, You can call me Hoseok or Hobi. Whichever is fine with me." The strawberry blonde man who now Yoongi knows is named Hoseok enthusiastically says yet again giving a bright smile.

"My name is Jeon Jeongguk and this," He then proceeds to put an arm around the smaller man's shoulders "is Min Yoongi." he finishes with a wide smile.

After the introduction, they proceed to leave. Hoseok and Jimin give a wave before the car drives off, leaving them to get back to what they were doing before.

• • •
RIP 더호쓰 🙏
my favorite hoseok fansite.
you'll be greatly missed.
i hope you're smiling up there.

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