Chapter 14

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💕Lala P.O.V💕

I had to be dreaming my boyfriend for years was in critical condition & I was pregnant ? Wtf what if I lose Javier what am I suppose to do i want be able to breathe , Javier is my life line! him & my baby girl is the reason I work hard in school & Wake up Every morning , Daddy always told me to pray when things is to hard for me to handle

Me: Noonie I need a closet !

Noonie: A Closet For What Lala

Me: Just Ge Me a Damn Closet Noonie

Noonie went to the front desk & asked the nurse was their a closet in near sight , she pointed down the hall to the left , Jamaree & Noonie walked Me down the hall to the closet before I walk in the closet I looked a maree & Noonie & Said "Work This Out Now Don't Give Up Work it Out" I Went in To The Closet & Fell to My Knees & Held My Hands up and Said "God I Give it all to you , I know you can handle this better than me , I know not to rush you , you always come when I need you the most , take care of Jaiver for me please just don't take him from me , I need his presents for our family , lord please , please heal this pain & trouble , in the name of The Lord I pray amen " I walked out the closet I felt uplifted my crying wasn't that bad no more , The doctor Walked in soon as I took a seat !

Doctor Anthony : Mrs. Austin & Family Of Javier Austin

Me: That Would Be Us

Doctor Anthony : Mr.Austin Went into surgery 2hrs Ago , We've Removed To Bullets out his ribs , & One Was Almost close to his heart luckily it was an inch away from his heart

Me: Thank You Doc Can I Please See Him !

Doctor Anthony : yes but first I need to check that baby cause u look like you've been stressing out a lot & didn't I tell you to stay off your feet !

Me: Yes Ma'am ,& I've just been worried !

Doctor Anthony : Come on Here Dear Heart Lets Check You Out!

Me: Yes Ma'am

I follow her down the hall & Went to get an ultra sound , My Joy Was Healthy as a carrot but I needed to stay off my feet & I was gonna after Javier came home ! After my ultra sound Doctor Anthony walked me to room 106 , Javier Was Sleeping peacefully I just laid on the couch next to his bed & fell asleep !

🌸Briesha P.O.V🌸

Me & Jose was watching tv when , noonies sister knocked at the door

Me: Yes

Chanel : Get dressed y'all Javier been shot & is in critical condition

Jose: Wtf u just said?

Chanel : Get yo bitch ass dress & let's get to the hospital ASAP

My heart dropped I tried dialing lala but her phone was off I know she's taken it hard af , I called Noonie her phone off to , Wtf is going on man ! So I called Jamaree

*ring ring ring*

Jamaree : Sup sis ?

Me: Y'all Heard ?

Jamaree : Yeah he straight lala back their with him he made it through surgery a1 , Where y'all ?

Me: Finna head to the hospital !

Jamaree: Alright We Gone To Get Lala & Jai Over Night clothes & lala Car , He's in room 106 !

Me: Alright We Will be their when y'all get back bro .

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