Chapter 01

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Chapter 01

It's a hot sunny day, perfect for a horse ride. The bright light rays make their way through the curtains and irritate my sleep. My gaze settles on the window. The sun is shining a little too strong for the normal, its light hurt my freshly opened eyes, but I don't complain. I have the feeling this is going to be a good day ahead, and that's kind of my little secret to start my day well. I rub my eyes and force them open as I stretch my arms and hop off of my bed.

I call Miranda and Melody and tell them to get ready for a ride. I have to ring Miranda a whole of a lot before she actually picks up for of course she was asleep, like the lazy head that she is. The three of us liked horse riding, it was kind of our thing since we were little kids. It has become a habit, when we're not riding for a long while, it feels like something is missing. Not to mention, how much we'd miss our horses, of course.

I walk to the bathroom and have an ice cold shower. I always liked cold showers in the summer, they make me feel anew. I pull my golden brown hair into a pony tail, making sure to give the ends a few curls. I get dressed and put on my treasured brown riding boots. I grab my phone and purse and rush down the stairs to the kitchen where I'd expected my parents to be. I'm welcomed by the delicious smell of pancakes my mom has prepared for breakfast. I walk over to where she is by the stove and give her a hug. Dad is a little busy watching the news and drinking his coffee, I give a quick peck on his cheek and he smiles. I eat one too many pancakes, and have a cup of freshly brewed coffee.

After breakfast, I say goodbye to my parents and drive off to the arena. I go over to the horse shed to get Aurora ready. Aurora is my white Arabian horse. I kiss her between her eyes. I get her ready and put the saddle pad on her back.

I ride Aurora off to the start line, where I would meet with my friends for a race. We always liked a little competition, that's how we kept up to par. The arena we rode in was quite huge, which is a definite plus because amateurs riding around could be quite dangerous.

Melody and Miranda arrive together to the start line. Their horses were in the same shed, and besides, we always have to drive Melody places, so she always gets a ride with either one of us. She's scared to drive cars. We know it's because she lost her mother to a car accident, but we don't push her to talk about. Maybe she'll come around eventually, maybe she still needs time. We decide that whoever comes in last is to pay the bill to our next trip to Starbucks. We start off the race, Melody takes the lead in seconds, followed by Miranda. I always liked to pick up my full speed by the end of the race, it is just more fun to me this way.

About half way through the race, somebody shows up in front of me, stopping abruptly. His horse facing mine, which meant he was riding wrong way, and that is by no means acceptable. Our horses panic and his horse lifts its front limbs and he loses his grip and falls off of his horse. I manage my control on Aurora, and somehow don't fall off of her. I jumps off her and go over to help the cute boy who fell on the ground. I am beyond irritated and angry at his stupid actions, but I still have to help him up. And that anger did not cloud my judgment on how handsome he was. I go over to him and offer him a hand. You could have been the one who fell. Do not help him up. My conscience keeps telling me. He, however, has already taken my hand and is up on his feet. So to oblige to my conscience's desires, I push his shoulder hard. He doesn't budge. All the same, an amused look appears on his face. And it is just a matter of seconds before a smirk begins to play on his lips.

"What was that for?" he asks, still that amused look plastered to his face.

"What?" I snap.

"You pushed me!" he raises his eyebrows in query.

"And you were riding wrong way!" My voice louder, and my cheeks are colored a deeper shade of red the angrier I get.

The smirk goes back to his face, and he seems to be entertained. He doesn't say a word, and I feel a hint of satisfaction. I had obviously won this argument.

I walk back to Aurora, but I feel a hand on my elbow, gently pulling me. I turn around, to see the same guy with a smile and flashing dimples. "What?" I snap, still irritated and angry but he seems oblivious.

"What's your name, kitten?' he asks. Kitten? Did he just call me kitten? I consider, maybe slapping, or punching his nose. I narrow my eyes at him, flip my hair and walk away quickly. I jump onto my horse and ride, fast.What the hell is wrong with him? I could hear him getting on his horse and riding in my wake, but I choose to ignore him and keep my calm.

"Hey!" Don't answer, Anna.

"Kitten?" Ignore him, Anna.

"Please?" he pleas? I let out a huge sigh, and stop. I snap my head in his direction.

"What?" I demand.

"What's your name?" he asks. I almost laugh at his inconsideration. You're supposed to be angry, Anna. "I expected that to be 'I'm sorry.'" I growl.

"So if I apoloigize, you'll tell me your name?" he responds. Is he serious? But if that's the only way to get an apology out of him, I should maybe tell him my name. But you're supposed to be angry! He's cute, though! Look at his eyes!The voices battling inside my head are getting annoying, but I couldn't ignore that hint about his. So I look up to see a pool of chocolate looking down at me, before I blurt "Yes."

"I'm sorry." he says.

"Sorry for what?" I push a little, raising one eyebrow smugly. He stares at me and I stare back.

"For riding wrong way.." he adds, defeated.

"Anna." I reply.

"What?" he asks.

"Anna. That's my name." I respond.

He smiles and shows his pearly teeth, takes my hand in his to shake it, and says his name is Logan.


Picture of Anna to the side, it's Birdy! If you don't know her, I linked a video to the side of her singing. Honestly, her voice is beyond incredible! 

Thanks a lot for reading, lovely! xx

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