Chapter 03

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Chapter 03

"Umm, hi, can I have a picture with you, please?" asks a little girl with curly red hair. She seems a shy because she's already blushing. She directs her question at Logan while we are seated in Starbucks to eat our promised ice cream.

"Yeah. Sure." Logan answers her with a smile that reaches his eyes. He acts as if he's used to it, and I'm just sitting here not sure of what is happening exactly. He puts his arms  around the little girl's shoulders, and his eyes look shinier than ever as the camera flashes for the picture to be taken. I catch my jaw dropping and quickly shut my mouth.

My eyes open widely, both my eyebrows are raised, and I lock my gaze on Logan, waiting for him to explain to me what just happened. He doesn't, however. Instead, he looks at me like I'm some sort of weirdo. He raises an eyebrow at me and asks with a soft, small voice"What?"

"What just happened?" I ask, even though it's obvious what I'm thinking. My face carries a confused expression, and Logan sees it.

"She's just a fan." he answers coolly. What? Fan? What? That just made it even more confusing. I try to consider the fact that Logan might actually be famous, but it just seems so absurd. I refuse to believe it, it must be something else.

I seem to be staring at Logan with my jaw hanging low, because he elaborates.

"I'm in a band.." he says.

Oh. I don't say anything, but my eyebrows go even, and my temple almost disappears.

"I sing in a boy band called Big Time Rush."


"Really? That's..that's.. uhh" I stutter, not seeming to know what to say.

"Never heard of it?" he seems to be amused by my lack of words, and his are glossy.

I shake my head, "I'm more into classics, and not so much pop." I tell him. "I should give you a shot, though."

He smiles. "Why didn't you tell me you were famous?" I ask.


"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask again.

"We kind of just.. met, remember?" he smirks for the hundredth time since we met.

"I gotta admit I'm pretty surprised." I smile a little.  "It's pretty cool, though. How do you feel, being famous and all?"

"It's pretty fun, actually. But it gets so busy at times, with the album making and filming the show, it's a lot of pressure. I have too little time for myself anymore." Show? What show?

"What show?" I ask. What else has he got in store.

He nods, "Yeah, it's also called Big Time Rush." 

I smile at him and tell him I will check that out, too.

"I'm more into reading than film or tv. I enjoy it a lot more, you know. It's like I get to let my imagination go another places."

"Yeah, books are precious things." he states.

"Do you read much?" I ask.

"Yeah, especially on the tour bus, when we're just stuck there for hours." Tour bus? Wow, they must be something big.

"Wow, you're more famous than I thought." I say.

His cheeks are tinted a shade of pink, and I smile. "Thanks." he says.

"You know.." he begins. "You're so different from the girls I've met. They're just nice to me because they want something. That's just one of the downsides of fame, you see. But I could that's not you. Plus, it was about time to meet someone that didn't know me, or didn't want a picture, or a signed poster."

I flush, though I'm not sure if he just complimented me, but decide to thank him anyway. "Thank you."

He smiles at me and flashes me his dimples and pearly teeth, and I can't but return it.

"You know what, kitten?" he says. What's with him and calling me kitten.

"It's Anna, not kitten."

"Yeah, sure, kitten. You know what?" he repeats.

I sigh and ask "What?"

"My ice cream is  very delicious." he teases, "I bet it tastes way better than yours." he finishes with a wink, and I immediately feel myself blushing. He seems to notice because of that smirk that took over his features.

I might need to start liking those smirks if I'm gonna around Logan for longer. I reach my hand out and poke him in the nose. He seems to be taken by surprise, and I laugh at his expression, but it's not long before he joins in with me.

And something about his laugh actually made me happy that Logan was riding wrong way, and that he came after me just to know my name. I smile to myself as I dig back into my ice cream. And Logan keeps his gaze on me and makes small talk until I eat all of it because he's already finished his.


I was listening to James Arthur's album while editing this, it's really amazing maybe you should listen to it. My favourite songs are Recovery (linked to the side), and Impossible of course 

Thanks for reading lovely x (feel free to leave any comments, I read them all (:)

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