Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

I have been trying to shake that feeling away. It was constantly fogging on everything else on my mind for the past hour, or was it half an hour? I kept losing track of time. And maybe, just maybe, it had to do with Logan kissing me.

I had no idea if it was something I wanted-like I said, the feeling of those fireworks, if they had been real at all, kept blocking all the thoughts jumbling in my mind. But for all I know, kissing Ed and kissing Logan was almost incomparable, almost.

We'd been in the room with the rest of our friends for the past hour. There was Logan sitting two people away from me. And then Kendall right next to him. Some guy I didn't recognize in front of me, maybe he was one of Dex's friends.

Dex was sitting next to Kendall, and then there was Miranda sitting practically in his lap. Next to her was Melody, and then there was James and Carlos. And then that dude I didn't know and then bubbly Chelsea.

The two girls between Logan and I, I recognized though. One of them used to be in my chemistry class, her name was Kristen. The other one looked familiar, too, but I couldn't remember her name.

A flash back came to mind. It was of me and Logan kissing. The kiss was brief, but still was unforgettable. The way his soft lips brushed against mine, soft and gentle. And then after he pulled away there were his pupils-so wide due to the darkness surrounding us, but he still managed to look beautiful. I know boys shouldn't look 'beautiful' but Logan was to me for that moment, nonetheless.

When he pulled away, he rested his forehead against mine and said "You're so adorable, Anna,"

I didn't say anything, because I thought I didn't have to, I mean I kissed him back, right? He should get the message. I managed to smile, however.

The problem is, I didn't know what the concrete message is. It's just so vague in my mind. And those flashbacks weren't exactly helping with the situation either.

However, I was sure of one thing, and it was that something wasn't quite right; I'd let two different guys kiss me at the same night. I don't usually let boys kiss me-except if this boy happens to be my boyfriend-especially at parties-where I happen to always be sober.

But then one those two boys were in the same boat as I was, he was sober, so there was a no way that'd be considered as 'drunken mistake'. And then the other one, he was almost sober himself, almost.

And just as I thought of the word 'almost' I felt a lump rise up my throat.

Logan might have been drunk when he kissed me.

And that thought kept playing through my head for what seemed like past half out, on repeat.

And just so you'd know, it wasn't that much of a pleasant thought.

So I tried to push all my thoughts away-and it was hard work, of course-and to focus instead on having fun. I mean despite evidence to the contrary, that's what parties are mainly for.

So the game had been going on for a while. I managed to realize that at first they were playing Never Have I Ever, then switched to Truth or Dare.

Oddly enough, the bottle hadn't landed on me just once, not that I'm complaining.

I watched throughout the game where that dude who I didn't know had to dress up like a girl and walk around the room in heels. And he actually added a model-pose at the end, which made us all burst into a laughing fit. Not to mention that Carlos took a picture on him, which only made it funnier.

The bottle spun once more landing on Kristen. It was as fun, though, as it was when that guy dressed up as a girl. It was just priceless.

Then the bottle was spun and landed on me. I figured truth would bring on some drama. Plus, dare would be much more fun. So I chose to be dared to do something. And I almost regretted seeing that mischievous grin plastered to Chelsea's face.


I stayed still where I stood. It was dark as pitch. I was a little -and little might as well be the understatement of the century- and started playing with the handful of bracelets I wore on my left arm.

I could feel his eyes fixed on me even though I couldn't see a thing.

I knew I would regret choosing to be dared. I knew it, but I still chose it anyway. And now it's so awkward, I don't even know what to say.

And now, here I sat, his eyes almost forming a whole in my neck, but I tried not to flinch. I didn't know what to do. I can't let a third guy kiss me. But these were the rules, and if he wanted to kiss me, then I couldn't exactly say no. But then, I was the on dared to do it. So, whether I liked it or not, I had to do it.-

"You don't have to kiss me, you know, if you don't want to," James told me, gratefully interrupting the silence. Yes, James. James Maslow. I was now dared to kiss him.

"Well, I kind of have to, James. That's what a dare is about," I said and he chuckled slightly. I could see his eyes in the thin beam of light that found its way through the crack at the door. His eyes were really pretty, and so is his smile. I smiled back.

"Good thing you replied though, I almost believed you went dead or something," James joked.

"Heyy!" I replied.

"So, are we kissing or what?" James asked and he inched closer. And then he took another step. 

"Uhh," I said, "I don't know,"

"And do I save you this delimma?" he asked, and when I didn't answer he took that as a permission to find his way to my lips. He pressed me against the back of the closet we were locked in. He placed the face of his palms to the back as well on either sides of the wall defining my space. And then he tilted his head and slowly and ever so lightly pressed his lips against mine.

It was only for a few seconds, though, before he pulled away. "Peach?" he asked, and I could picture my cheeks painted a dark shade of pink by now. The lipstick I was wearing was peach flavor.

James chuckled lightly and pressed his lips against mine one more time. This time he left his lips there for longer. He pulled away, then pressed his lips to mine again, biting my lower lip.

And this time, I kissed him back.


Sup peeps?

This chapter was gonna come out EARLIER, but then I was typing and didn't get to save what I wrote and then-bam-a power cut and everything was gone and I had to write it all over again :/

And uh-ohh Anna and James kissed. :o

So I posted a video of a song called Wings by Little Mix.>> This song has nothing to do with the chapter actually, it's just that I like it so much and I wanted you guys to hear it. :D

And then I chose Perrie to play Miranda :)>>>

Oh, and I just finished reading a book by Sarah Dessen called Just Listen. It's amazing! It's inspiring and beautiful, is all I have to say.

I go back to school this Sunday. Ugh. Yeah we go to school Sunday's, see Sunday-Thursday, those are the weekdays over here. :D

Oh, and don't forget to vote and comment :)

Peace and cheers,


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