Chapter 13

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Anastasia's POV

A week has passed since Logan and I last met. It was Friday already. He did call as he said he would. Only a few of times, though. Maybe he was busy. He must be.

I, myself, haven't called at all. I've left him a text, though. I was out all day and forgot my phone at home and when I got back my notifications said he'd called and texted: "Hey, Anns. Just checking. Hope you're doing okay today ;)". So yeah, I replied.

What he meant by that wink in the end? I have no idea. Melody and Miranda's conclusions had things to do with a crush. I, of course, strongly showed my disagreement, because if I didn't, then who would? Now, that is a one rhetorical question.

I haven't rode Aurora since the day in the woods. It would be totally against the doctor's instructions. Which were,

-have an X-ray to check that no bones were fractured. Just so you'd know, non were.

-Use a whatever cream on the bruises twice a day. The problem? It smelled like hell. And no, I'm not exaggerating. It's just that I don't know what hell smells like. And if we think about it, we'd realise how lucky we all are. You know what I mean.

-Be careful with my every movement.

-Don't walk too much.

That last one sounded kinda dorky. Or at least that's what I thought.

Anyhow. The two Ems (aka Miranda and Melody) actually managed to get me some stuff from the mall. And by stuff I mean a pair of True Religion jeans. They were killer, my new favorite. A pair on LV heels. Creamy in color. They were just to die for. A leather jacket, black. Perfectly fit. Lastly, a Prada purse-a bag, it was too big to be called a purse, it matched the color of the shoes. And with that my friends, my credit card was on the brink. But like always, I regret nothing.

The girls slept over the first two days. We'd used to dance our hearts out, but since I couldn't, we didn't. We had fun though. We watched homemade videos from when we were young. Good times. You can picture a smile on my face while I wrote this part.

Then, Melody had to fly over sees with her mom. To where I don't know. And Miranda had a date with Dex. So yeah. I spent that night and the one next alone. Eating, sleeping and reading. And just like that, the week was over.


Saterday has passed. Em, Em and I skipped StarBucks that day because I was just too lazy and numb to get up. I woke up real late that day. And like the days from the former week, I spent it eating and reading.

It was Sunday morning. I woke up quite early relative to the past day. I felt that maybe it was time to get out of the house. I decided to go see my doctor and have her check on my bruises that were no longer visible. But I was kind of sure that if any of my parents were here right now, they'd insist I'd consult a doctor just to make sure things were back to normal. And so, that's what I did.

I got dressed quickly. I wore a purple Jack Wills hoodie and skinny jeans, the new pair, along with a black pair of converse. Weird to know that I'm wearing that, huh?

I usually don't like riding cars. It's not very eco-friendly. But the trip to the doctor's was a little long and well, she was the one to instruct that I shouldn't walk too much.

My car's a blue Jeep Wrangler by the way. I love it. Love, love, love, it. I took my phone and my card, but since it was on the brink, I took on some cash as well.

I carefully made it to the doctor's. The secretary said I'd go in next since there were no one there yet. Well, except for the patient already in there. I was grateful to hear that. I hate waiting, especially at a doctor's place. It's just so utterly boring. I waited for about ten minutes till I got to see my doctor.

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