Chapter 14

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Anastasia’s POV

This situation we were in would definitely go on my list of awkward moments. What the situation was? Sigh. It was Sammy. She, er, shehadastainonherdress. It was, um. My guess is you should’ve figured it out already? And if you haven’t then maybe it’s for the best.

And apart from that being utterly embarresing, I made it worse, if that was even possible. Er.

We were still at McDonald’s. We were supposed to head out to Carlos’ place to have a “mini party”. We got off the table and were just heading to the door, Carlos and Sammy walking side by side, Logan and I closely following behind.

I felt a nudge at my elbow. It was Logan. I looked at him expectantly, he pointed his chin towards Sammy. I squealed at the sight. Everyone turned to look at me. Including Sam and Carlos. And I was like “Sammy!”, and it was more of a scream by the way, and shot off taking her by the arm, Logan and Carlos at our tail. I took out the car keys from my pocket. This simple course of action seemed to take more than ever. You see, the part where I yelled “Sammy!”, well, you could guess what happened, all eyes were on her. Some people snorted, trying to hold back their laughter. Well, dudes, this isn’t funny!

I yelled at Sammy to get in the car. She looked so confused, not knowing what was going on I suppose. I started the engine and put the car in motion. I glanced in the reerview mirror and noticed that Carlos and Logan were in the car behind us.

If we all just take a moment here, we’d realise how silly we’re all acting. Like it’s some sort of mission impossible. But of course, since we actually are acting like that, we would never really take that moment.

 Anyhow, I noticed, since the car had mirrors in it, that my face was the color of a tomato. Yes, a tomato, and one that had just been picked, too.

I thought we’d best head for my house since it wasn’t that far. Sammy looked at me expectantly. I glanced towards her, letting my gaze off the road. She really was clueless.

“Your dress. It’s, umm, stained.” I told her directly. She blushed deeply and began shifting in her seat till she saw the stain. Her jaw dropped leaving her mouth O shaped. She looked at me worriedly. I tried to fake a small smile.

“How many people have seen this?”

“Not much, I guess.” I lied.


Well, you might as well have guessed what have happened next.

I took Sammy upstairs to my room. She was awestruck by the dazzling closet of mine that she almost forgot about her blood-stained dress.

"Now, you're a one lucky girl!" she said in what could almost be a squeal. She really was impressed by room I could tell.

"Thanks, Sammy," I told her and shot her what I thought was my sweetest smile. "Now. Pick a dress, won't you."

"Okay!" She said and started towards where all the dresses were hung. She picked out a white shirt, knotted at the waist, and a pair of mint green skinnies. Her outfit picking roughly lasts as long as mine.

"Will return, promise." she said.

I shook my head. "No, Sam, it's okay," I smiled. She returned it.

I offered her my bathroom to use. And well, you might have guessed it, another squeal. Sammy said she'll shower. So I went downstairs to see the boys.

They were both sitting on the white couch by the LCD screen. It was turned on but none of them were watching it though. They were both tapping on their phones.

"Enjoying your stay, Carlos?" I asked.

"You have an awesome place, Anna." he told me with a smile on his face. His smile was adorable. Like I wanted so bad to pinch his cheeks out of cuteness.

"Thanks." I answered. "It's my parents' by the way," I said grinning.

"The British lil girl lives with 'er mommy and daddy!" Carlos chanted. I stuck out my tongue.

Logan tapped on the place beside him, motioning for me to go and sit next to him. I blushed and sat on the very spot he'd tapped on. He casually put his arms around my should. I looked u at him. He smiled. I blushed harder and returned his pretty smile.

There was a little bit of silence. Other than all the tapping.

I was getting bored. I poked Logan in the cheek. He didn't respond. Another poke. He looked at me with mock seriousness, eyes widened. I pouted. His expression softened. I poked him again. He frowned and returned the poke, two pokes. I snatched the iPhone out of his fingers.

"Twitt-uh?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him. Carlos chuckled and mimicked me, "Twittahh,"

I blushed. Logan snatched the phone from me again and went back to his original position. Except that he tightened his grip around my shoulder so that he could type with both hands. I looked at him, "Ehm," he smirked. I began touching his phone's screen at random place in the manner of the most annoying action to take against someone holding a touch-screen device. He frowned and tightened the grip even more. I looked at him, again. He smiled, looking to the phone. I frowned. He smirked. His hand traced my face and he kind of forced me to rest head on his shoulder. Not that I can complain. Carlos cleared his throat real loud. I blushed. I felt Logan burying his face in my hair and kissing my head for a second. I smiled, not shifting from my position.

It's been a long while since we've been sitting like that. As much as this was feeling good, I got bored.

We geared steps coming down the stairs. Must be Sammy.

"Sammy!" Carlos said and she came down to sit on his lap. He pecked her cheek. Aww. Talk about cute!

"What now?" I began shifting in my seat. Logan raised one eyebrow and poked my nose. I wrinkled it and smiled. I stood up so that I'm facing all of them now.

"Um, how bout a tour round the house," I suggested.

"Okay," Carlos.

"I'm in," Sammy said, a little bit thrilled.

"Sounds like a plan," Logan said as if it didn't sound like a plan to him. I looked at him. He smirked. Ugh.

"So, what do you guys wanna start with?" I asked.


Hey, guys! I'm extremely sorry for the wait! And it's a little bit short, too. Hope you like it, anyways.. :)

So, I know that Carlos and Sammy broke up :'( but here, in my story, we're gonna have to pretend they haven't.

James and Halston also broke up. :(

And, just so you'd know, things here are happening before the boys went on the Better With U tour, okay?

One last thing, I've decided to write in only one POV, Anastasia's, so...yeah. :3

xo, Asmaa

PS. If you're reading this, you're awesome. <3

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