Chapter Thirteen.

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We pulled away when we heard a picture being taken and then A bright flash to the side of our faces we turn to see one of the office workers had taken a photo of martin and I kissing. I had enough hate and attention just for being in a photo with martin so this is just too much for me to handle a long with everything else. I then have the urge to cry and so I did without thinking about anything or anyone it's just too much things piled on top of eachother and then I burst into tears. Martin grabs my wrist and pulls me out and we go into the van in silence. He put his hand on mine as a sign of comfort but more people seeing us being 'comfortable' together is really not what I wanted right now. I shoved his hand off of mine as his concerned face turned into furrowed eyebrows in confusion. I moved closer to the window and looked away from his captivating eyes. I stared out the car with a chain of anxious thoughts filling my head as I viewed images of blurring cars as they zoomed past. Lost in thought I forgot about the elephant in the room.

When we arrived at the hotel we never said a word to one another we just went our seperate ways in our hotel rooms.

I really needed my mother right now I just need a break. Just being young and doing this job is really hard and I need a friend or my family's support right now.
I was alone in my hotel room looking through videos of vacations my family and I went on I laughed and felt a tear slide down my face and once I felt the tear tickle me, I swiped my hand over my cheek wiping away my tears but they just kept rolling down my face.

Once I stopped crying I went to the bathroom and stared at myself thinking about too much. Fortunately, I was brought back to reality by a knock on my door. I washed my face and grabbed a towel whilst walking to open the door.

Expecting it to be one of the crew members I stood there drying my face but stopped once I realised the silence.

I turned my head to look at the woman I had just been watching for the past hour I smiled from ear to ear and pulled my mother into a hug. Seems over dramatic but It's been months without seeing her and that's a little wierd for me.
My mother and I have been talking for 2 hours and we went to get lunch but I forgot to ask her how everyone back home was doing. It's too late now she left for her hotel room. I decided to get ready to sleep.

Just as I shut my eyes, My phone rang.
I ignored it thinking it could be a crew member or some crazy fan of martin who got my number. After it continued ringing I realised it could be my mum. I quickly answered.
"Are we speaking to Martin Garrix's tour photographer,Luna?" An annoying high pitched female voice on the line asked. "Excuse me? You might be obsessed with Martin, but leave me alone!" I ended the call with a shout. Great now I have prank callers. The phone rang again but I kept ignoring it.
Finally realising I can't sleep, I answered the phone getting ready to yell. "Miss Luna, I don't think you know who I am. I work for Joseph Lewis . He recently discovered your previous photographs you've worked on and would like to meet you. He booked an appointment to see you in his busy schedule on Wednesday at 3:30pm don't disappoint him by being late or not showing up and wasting his time-" I heared the same woman from earlier continue to talk but I was too amazed I have always been a fan of Lewis' work he did the front cover of Vogue many times so working for him will be unthinkable for me.
"If you have any questions please ask now or you contact us for more information, Miss Luna. Miss Luna? Are you still their or already wasting our time?" Snapping back to reality I quickly answered "No, totally would not do that and yes I have a question."
"How did he find me?" I asked
"Sorry, that's a question you'll have to ask him."

"anything else?" She asked.
"No thankyou, goodbye" I ended the call. Screaming to myself in excitement. However it dawned on me. What will happen to my current job? Will I just drop it. What about martin and our relationship? That was the last thought before I drifted off to sleep.

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