The plan

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Charlie POV

I unlocked my locker and yanked it open.I had to catch several things that fell out.I really need to clean it out.I looked at the items in my hands,A mouldy sandwich and battered copy.They both looked like they had seen better days,I shoved them both back into my locker and retrieved my books for my next three classes.I slammed my locker shut.

I walked up behind my friend Ollie while he was at his locker,I lifted my leg and kicked him in the back causing him to whack his face against his locker.'Hey loser' I grinned,Ollie had been my best friend for as long as I can remember,The guy was insane.

'You suck.You know that though' He picked his bag up off the floor and we walked towards the large double doors that led to the garden.

I sat down on one of the rickety benches and pulled out a ciggarette and my lighter,I looked up to see someone walking towards us.Fuck,Its that wanker from science class.When he was just a few feet away he waved,Much to Ollies entertainment.

'Made a new friend have we?' He snickered.I glared at him and then lifted my gaze to stare at the dark haired boy standing before me.

'Can I sit with you?' He said,His lips set in a cocky grin.

Jaydon POV

I felt uncomfortable as the two boys stared at me like I had two heads.Anyone else would be jumping for joy at the fact I had asked to sit with them.

'Well?' I flashed an easy smile.

'No' They both said at the same time,I stopped smiling.

No.No? What the hell.Was I interrupting something?

'Is this a couples thing?' I said,gesturing to Charlie and they ginger boy next to him.They dont look like a couple.The only response I got was them laughing hysterically.

I let out a low growl and walked away.How dare they laugh at me.

My thoughts were interrupted by a shrill voice calling my name.Oh god,Kayla,I plastered a smile on my face.She tottered over,her high heels clacking against the tiles.

'How are things?' she placed her hand on my chest,

'Oh..You know me.' I grinned.tightly and took a step back from her palm thats stained with the fake than she religiously uses.She took a step forward to match mine and moved her hand from my chest to rearrange my bits of my hair.What the hell is she doing.

'I missed you at Mays party last weekend.Im having a party on friday,You should come.' She smiled,showing her perfectly white teeth.I wonder how much they cost.

'Sure' I said,a plan coming together in my head,'If I can bring a friend.' Her smile faltered slightly but she covered it well.

'Of course' with that she walked away,Her hips swaying.

This plan is going to be amazing.

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