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Charlie POV

'You have got to be kidding me!'

I cannot believe this,This can't be happening to me.

'Please tell me you're joking.' I fling myself at Mr.Hopps,My biology teacher, legs.

'Anything else,I'll even swear to never cheat again!' I cry.

'Mr.Brooks,' Mr.Hopps sighs as he extracts me from his legs,'Pull yourself together.Its only a student tutor,not torture.'

Not torture! Not torture? He's right,This is much worse.Its hell.I would rather walk across hot coals on my hands while getting my legs waxed.I scrunch my nose up at the thought of getting my legs waxed,ew.I bet my skin would be soft though.

I bet Jaydons skin is soft.

Oh my god.What is wrong with me.I hate him,why would I care if his legs are soft.

My mind just wandered,Thats all.

I was snapped out of my daydream by someone calling my name.I blink and see who it is.


'What do you want Jaydon?' I growl at his smirk as he steps closer to me,Our faces just inches apart.

'Im your student tutor.' He whispers then immediately turns on his heel and walks away.

Jaydon POV


I chuckled at Charlies sudden outburst.He's like a kitten,thinking he's all tough and scary when infact him stomping around cursing just makes me want to pinch his cheeks.He's stubborn too though,which is why im finding it so difficult to figure out how to get him to the party.

Asshole couldn't just of adored me like everyone else? I mean,its not that hard.

I turned a corner and walked straight into someone.'Hey watch where you're going.' I muttered as I look the person up and down.

Isn't that the guy I saw Charlie with? Whats his name again,Arthur No no no,Its Oliver.

'Ollie,Just the guy I was looking for.' I smiled at him as I sling my arm around his shoulder and pull him in the direction Im going.

'Um,My class is the other direction.' He muttered shyly.

'We're walking this was now.' I say,smiling at him again.

He just stared at me but I felt him comply and just walk with me.

'So,You're friends with Charlie,Right?' I ask.

'Uh..yeah.' He mumbles,staring at his feet as he walks.

God,Get some confidence.Being shy is so boring.

'Brilliant.' I remove my arm from around his shoulder and turned around so I was facing him.

'Im inviting you two to a party on saturday.You have to be there,It will be legendary.'

'Um,Well,actually.I dont think w--' He started to object but I cut him off,I dont want to hear refusal.

'Great.See you tomorrow.' I call over my shoulder as I walk to class.


Saturday Evening.

Jaydon POV 

I pull on my white blazer over the black dress shirt I chose to wear to Kaylas party.

I look myself over in the mirror and damn,I look hot.Charlie isn't going to know what hit him.

I look myself up in down in the mirror one more time before grabbing my phone and pulling on my black high tops.

I grab my keys from the bowl,The loud clanging noise seems louder than it is due to the complete silence of my house.

My parents were away,Pretending to be the perfect couple at some fundraiser at a country club or something equally as boring.

I walk out and shut the front door,Strolling over to my pride and joy,my car,a silver Porsche 993,The love of my life.

I open the door,sit in and turn on the ignition and Carrie (Yes I named my car,But a beautiful creature like her really couldnt go without a name.) purred to life,

The ride to Kaylas was a short one and the party was already in full swing when I arrived.

Some guy is passed out on the grass,I stepped over him and entered Kaylas house.

I was immediately hit with the stench of sweat and alcohol.


I better not get a stain on this blazer,I paid good money for this.

There's people everywhere.My eyes scan the room,looking for Kayla.She'll know who's here.Im not going to spend my night looking around for Charlie if he's not even here.Pushing my way past some girl I stride towards the open patio doors.

I soon notice Kayla,How could I not ? She's practically doing a strip tease.

Her mother must be so proud.

My gaze flicks towards the group of boys she's entertaining,They all seem pretty entranced.Taking a step towards the group I notice that the guy Charlie hangs out with,Ollie,I think,Is one of the boys under her spell.

If he's here that means so is Charlie.

I look around the garden for his unmissable mop of blonde hair,I highly doubt he even owns a hairbrush.

I cant see him anywhere.

Damn it,He's not even here and he's pissing me off.

I swing around and stomp back into the house.People are clearing a path infront of me.I know for a fact that I have a face like thunder.

I grab onto the bannister and clash face first into someone.

I fall flat on my ass and bring my hand to my face.Aw,crap.Im bleeding.I look up to see which idiot made me bleed and see Charlie sitting on the stairs laughing his ass off.

'What the hell are you laughing at Charlie? I say,narrowing my eyes at him.

He looks drunk.

'You're on your bum and you've blood on your fancy jacket!' He managed to splutter out between gasping for air and snorting.

He's definitly drunk.Very drunk.

I look down at my blazer and see that he's right,There is blood on it.He's so going to pay my laundry bill.

Its a shame that he's out of his mind drunk,I will admit that I was looking forward to putting my plan into action.I can't when he's like this.

Realising someone is tugging on my hand,I stand up.

'We should clean you up.You look like I punched you in the face!' Charlie bursts out laughing again,'Oh my god.I punched you.Brilliant!' He continues to pull me up the stairs by my hand and I grin.

Maybe my plan can go ahead tonight.

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