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I’m pulled into one of the bedrooms and Charlie shuts the door behind us.

‘Okay, you sit your bum down there on the bed and I will find you a thingy bob to clean your whatsit, ok?’ Turning around to face him I can see him searching through drawers looking for god knows what, I assume my ‘whatsit’ is my blazer but honestly in his state a ‘thingybob’ could be anything.

‘Charlie, Leave it, yeah?’ I grin and sit my bum down on the bed, just like I was told.

‘..But what about your jacket?’ Poor Charlie looks so confused, Bless him, Drunk Charlie is way less irritating than sober Charlie, He resembles a kitten more than ever now.

‘Charlie, just sit the fuck down.’ I say sweetly and pat the spot next to me on the bed.

He plops down next to me, close enough that I can feel him breathe if I pay enough attention. Not that I am.

If I turned my head slightly to the right, my face would be in his hair. I wonder what his hair smells like. I bet it’s soft. I bet I cou-

My thoughts are cut off by Charlie turning to poke my cheek, ‘Why do people like you?’  He curls his legs up under him and leans in closer, inspecting me.

Without missing a beat, ‘because I’m perfect.’ I inform him with a slick grin.

I feel the bed shift and Charlie has moved again, He’s now lying down on the bed with a sleepy smile gracing his lips,’Yeah,That must be it,’ He looks up at me from under his lashes, ‘I hate you though, You’re an ass.’

I am so sick of him and his attitude, Christ, if he wasn’t so skinny I would beat it out of him but then again that probably wouldn’t work. Charlie requires slightly more creative methods. Everyone else likes me, what’s his problem. It’s not like I want to be his best friend forever, I just need...I just want him to...Fuck. He just needs to do what he’s supposed to instead of ruining everything.

I take a deep breath and give Charlie a few more seconds in his comfort zone, Because he’s not going to be given a chance to go back there until I say he can.

Turning around I stand up and face the bed, peeling off my blazer that now has dried blood on it, I drop it to the floor and stare at Charlie through hooded lids.


‘Mhmm?’ I mumble and step closer to the bed, my knees brushing against the edge of the mattress.

‘I forgot to clean your jacket.’

‘That’s okay, Charlie.’  Smiling slightly I lift my knee up so I’m kneeling on the bed and lean forward, putting a hand on either side of Charlie’s lithe form.

‘I’m drunk.’ He breathes, Im so close I can smell the alcohol on his breathe and if that’s anything to go by, He’s pretty plastered. He seems pretty aware though. He holds his alcohol well, surprising.

‘I should go home, With Ollie. I shouldn’t be here, I shouldn’ shouldn’t....’ I cut him off by pushing forward so my face is hovering inches above his, if either of us was to move, our lips would be touching.

‘Well...I think,’ I pause to lick my lips and i notice charlies gaze follow the path of my tongue,’you should stay here,’ Leaning down I press my lips to his gently and i can feel his reluctance melting away, not quite kissing me back but he’s not pushing me away either so I take it as a sign to continue,’with me.’

‘With you what?’ He questions, there’s a slight blush on his cheeks, giving is normally ivory skin a nice rosy colour.

‘Stay? With me?’ I press my forehead against his and smile.

Its working, I can tell. He’s putty in my hands. I know I shouldn’t take advantage of drunk boys, but when has doing the right thing ever bothered me. He’s going to be smitten by the end of the night.


I lean down and kiss the spot below his jaw and I feel a shiver run through him.

‘Good choice.’

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