The Saviors - Negan

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Pairing: Negan x Reader

Warning: some fluff :)

Summary: After wandering in the woods on your own for a while, you encounter a group of survivors who call themselves the Saviors.

   A small branch broke underneath my foot as I walked through a dense forest. I checked my surroundings to make sure no walker would come lurking around a corner somewhere and attack me. Everything was quiet apart from the sound of a nearby stream and the odd bird chirping up in the tall oak trees.

   I looked up at the sky, 'Only got a few hours left until night time,' I thought. I continued to make my way through the forest as I finally reached a gravel road. I sighed, kneeled down, and grabbed my backpack from off of my back to get myself some water. I chugged about half of the bottle down and then put it back in my bag, glancing at the path. I started to make my way down the road as the sunset hit my face.

'West,' I thought as I continued to walk. I hadn't witnessed a wondrous sunset such as this in a very long time. The way the stunning shades of orange mixed with the past blues that were once high up in the sky always intrigued me. I smiled as the light was almost a beacon of hope to me, allowing me to believe- at least for a few moments in time -that I would be alright.

That was until I heard the sound of a car's tires against the gravel road. I quickly turned around and saw a black vehicle coming my way. I ran back into the forest and hid behind a tree, the road still visible from my position. I watched as the vehicle slowly stopped not far from where I stood minutes ago. I took deep breaths as I tried my best to blend in with the forest as I was dressed in dark blue jeans, a black tank top, and a black sweater that was unzipped. I turned my head to take a look at the vehicle again and quickly turned around as I heard the doors open and close as what seemed like three or four people started walking around.

"I saw someone, I'm sure of it. Look around. We don't need any of those little Alexandrian's running around trying to fuck with us again," I heard a man with a deep voice say. I started to panic. They were going to find me and kill me. I looked around the forest again trying to see if perhaps I could just sneak away unseen, but judging by the number of leaves and branches on the ground, I was bound to be heard.

'Maybe I should just turn myself in,' I thought, 'that way they might not kill me immediately.' It was my only sane option besides letting them shoot me down.

"I know you're out there. I saw you up the road. Now, you're either gonna come out and make this easy, or we're gonna kill you," the man said. I closed my eyes and sighed as I started to walk away from my hiding spot and into where they could see me.

"There you are," the man with the deep voice said as he smiled devilishly at me. I looked at him, finally seeing who the voice belonged to. The man was dressed in a black leather jacket with a white t-shirt underneath, tan jeans, and black boots. I immediately took notice of the baseball bat he had perched on his left shoulder with barbed wire wrapped around it. I saw two other men standing next to him, one with a slightly receding hairline that held light brown hair, and a moustache above his lip. The other man seemed younger than the other two, with blonde hair and a gruesome-looking scar on the left side of his face.

The two men started walking my way, their weapons drawn and pointed at me until the man with the deep voice said, "No. I've got her." I started to feel nervous as the man slowly made his way up to me, the terrifying-looking bat still on his shoulder.

He stopped, stared into my eyes just a few inches away from my face, and said, "Hi. I'm Negan." I swallowed hard as he never seemed to break eye contact, a feeling of intimidation swiftly brewing within the pit of my stomach as a result.

Leaning in towards me in an effort to rid me of my personal space, Negan smirked and slyly said, "I didn't quite catch your name, darlin'."

Cautious as to what information I would give to this group of strangers, my gaze found its way to the ground as I quietly said, "Y/n."

Butterflies started to rise in my stomach as he lifted my chin with his finger so that my eyes met his once again as he smiled and said, "What a beautiful name." I felt my face become hot as I continued to look into his light brown eyes. I didn't want to admit it, but I was attracted to him. The way he asserted his dominance made me feel weak in a good way.

"What's a fine thing like you doing out here in the woods alone?" He asked as he licked his lips, his eyes noticeably trailing down my frame.

I swallowed hard again and said, "I was trying to find a place to stay. I went on a run for my group, but when I got back with the supplies they wanted, they weren't there." I watched as Negan looked into my eyes, no doubt attempting to figure me out and decipher my words in search of my story, my past. Anything that would tell him who I was and what I really wanted. But my intentions were far from bad.

"You don't happen to know a group from a town called Alexandria, do you?" He asked, a more serious tone and look formed as his expression changed.

I shook my head and said, "No."

He leaned in closer to me and said, "You better not be lying to me darlin', because I like you, and I don't normally like all that many people."

I looked directly into his eyes and said, "I promise you, I don't know what you're talking about. I just need a place to stay for the night, and then I'll be out of your way."

"You can stay as long as you like," Negan said as he winked at me and smirked. I cursed myself mentally as a rush of heat made its way to my face once again, a small smile tugging on my lips. Taking me by surprise, Negan snaked his hand around my waist, bringing me towards the black vehicle he and his men had driven here in.

"This is Simon and Dwight by the way," Negan said as he pointed at the two other men who had accompanied him.

"Hi," I said kindly as they both smiled at me.

'Maybe this was a good idea. Maybe I am safe,' I thought to myself as I went to hop into the back seat of the vehicle.

Before I could sit down, Negan turned to me and said, "Why don't you come sit upfront with me?" Unsure of what to do and out of the desire to make a good first impression, I nervously made my way to the passenger's side of the car and got in as Negan and the other two hopped in as well.

Putting the car in drive, we were off, driving down the path I had been walking down minutes prior. As Negan drove down the road, he looked over at me and said, "You're one of us now."

I turned to him, reiterating what I had stated earlier, "I only want to stay one night. I really don't want to be a bother to any of you."

Negan smirked at me and said, "You won't be a bother at all. You're a Savior now. I know you'll want to stay." I looked out the window and couldn't help but feel happy. I was being welcomed into a community. I felt safe. I wouldn't mind sticking around Negan for a while.

"So, what do you think? Are you one of us?" Negan asked.

I took a deep breath, looked directly into his eyes and said, "Sure. Yeah. I'm a Savior."

   Well, there you have it guys. My first imagine for this book! :3 I hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to leave feedback/requests down below in the comments, and if you'd like, vote, share, and follow me for more imagines in the future. And that's all for now guys. Have a wonderful day😁
Love, Samira❤️

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