Can't Lose You - Negan

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Pairing: Negan x Reader

Warning: lots of fluff and a considerable amount of angst

Summary: While out on a run with Negan, things begin to spiral out of control and the one person you love more than anything in the world gets hurt.

   The day was humid and the air was muggy as I sat down on the front steps of the Sanctuary, the scorching sun shining brightly above me. I had been waiting for Negan as we were going on a supply run together at a near by abandoned town.

"Ready to go y/n?" I heard Negan say as he walked up to me. I found myself smiling at him as I gazed at his appearance. He was wearing black boots, brown jeans, and a white t-shirt, his signature black leather jacket resting on top and Lucille perched against his shoulder.

"Yep," I said as I got up, walking with him to a black car.

"We shouldn't be too long," Negan said to Dwight who was standing near the front gates of the place. Dwight nodded understandingly as Negan and I hopped into his car.

"How far is this town from here anyway?" I asked curiously as I put my seat belt on.

"About an hour or so. Longer if we get side tracked," he said with a smirk as he bit his lip. I rolled my eyes and giggled, reminding myself that this was a run for supplies, not a secret getaway with Negan. Him and I had been together for quite a while, so us getting 'side tracked' wasn't a rare occurrence. Our connection and chemistry was instant the second we met, and the moment he gave up his other wives to be with me, I knew that what we had was special.

   I watched as Dwight opened the front gates for us as Negan drove past them and began to make his way to the abandoned town.

   Not long after, we arrived at the town. It seemed quite decrepit and rundown and honestly gave me the creeps. Negan parked the car outside of an old looking convenience store and the two of us got out, pointing our guns out just in case we encountered a few walkers. I watched as Negan knocked on the front door of the convenience store to attract any walkers that could be lurking inside, but after a few minutes, nothing happened.

"Doesn't seem like any of those shit bags are in there," Negan said as he tried to look through the dusty door.

"They could be stuck on something," I said, wanting to be cautious about the situation.

"I guess we'll find out," Negan said as he kicked open the door. The two of us entered the store, our guns cocked and ready to kill any walkers that might be roaming near by. We both seemed to be surprised when we didn't find any.

"This must be our lucky day," Negan joked as he smiled at me.

"I guess so," I said, smiling back. As I grabbed a few cans of food and such from off of a shelf, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind me.

I stopped what I was doing as Negan said, "Since we're alone, why don't we have some fun?"

I turned around to face him, saying, "We've got things to do Negan."

"The only thing I want to do is you," he growled in my ear as he began leaving a trail of kisses from my jawline to my neck.

"Negan..." I moaned as I threw my head back, enjoying what he was doing to me. I felt his hands roam down to my jeans, tugging on the button and zipper aggressively as he didn't want to waste any time.

But as he began to pull my jeans down, I pushed him away and said, "We should really stop."

Negan sighed and said, "Fine. But you're all mine when we get back to the Sanctuary."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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Negan/Jeffrey Dean Morgan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now