Jealous Much? - Negan

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Pairing: Negan x Reader

Warning: fluff, angst, and just a hint of smut ;)

Summary: After you came back from a scavenging run with a kid named Jake, Negan—your leader—has a few things to say about your closeness with the kid and you won't stand for it.

"Do you ever think about how much you miss who you used to be before the world went to shit?" A young boy by the name of Jake asked me. I tried to ignore him, he was the type of person who'd just talk and talk even though you weren't listening to what he had to say. He was skinny with long light brown hair and freckles all over his face. You could spot him anywhere because he was always wearing the same blue plaid shirt, dirty brown pants, and a pair of worn hiking boots.

"Not really. Listen, can we just get what we need and go? Negan wants us back by sundown, and you know what he could do to us if we don't do just that," I stated, growing visibly annoyed. Jake shuddered at the thought, as did I. Negan isn't the type of person to mess around with- at all.

I remember when he found my old camp. We were holding up in the woods not far from the Sanctuary when a bunch of his men came and took all twelve of us hostage. He threatened us, explained that everything we found, everything we already had, now belonged to him.

"We're all Negan," his men stated uniformly. And then he grabbed one of us, an older man named Harry who had lost his daughter a week prior to a herd of walkers. He was already an unfixable mess, but the fear in his eyes spoke volumes as they put him on his knees and made him face Negan.

"Let this remind all of you that I don't take shit from anybody," Negan yelled as he smashed Harry's head in. The sound of his skull cracking against the ground still haunts me at night.

I walked out of the small convenience store that Jake and I had raided with cans of tuna, black beans, and sardines in my bag.

"Here, I found this too," Jake said as he handed me two cans of beer. I looked at them in surprise, remembering the days in which I'd sit on the couch with my best friends, drinking and having a good laugh.

Those were the good times.

Now look at what we've all become. Heartless nobodies whose only purpose is to serve Negan. I sighed angrily at the gruelling truth that is the reality of this "new world" and stuffed the two cans into my bag, making my way to the car we had driven here in.

"Y/n," Jake said as he entered the car alongside me.

"What?" I asked frustratedly. He really doesn't know when to shut up.

"Why don't you just run away? Why do you choose to work for Negan? There's got to be something better, something more out there," Jake asked curiously as he stared so deeply into my eyes that it felt as though he could see my soul, and the uncertainty lurking within it at the mere thought of his words.

"Don't you get it? There is no getting away from him. He's everywhere. Have you not seen what he's done to people who've betrayed him? He ironed Dwight's face. He's been torturing that prisoner Daryl for weeks. You can't run. You can never just run," I yelled as I started the car, staring angrily at him.

The car was silent for a few moments, regret filling my heart as I saw Jake's cheeks flush as he grew visibly diminished.

"...Why not try?" Jake asked cautiously, his tone much quieter than before, almost as though he wanted an answer, but didn't want to witness the outcome if it wasn't one I liked.

I sighed heavily as I looked over at the boy who was becoming more of a man now than ever as I ruffled his hair playfully and said, "You'll understand someday." Jake smiled a small smile as I put the car in drive, making our way back to the Sanctuary.

Negan/Jeffrey Dean Morgan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now