Old Friends (Ending) - Jeffrey

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Pairing: Jeffrey x Reader

I lay on my couch, staring blankly at the running T.V. that I muted not too long ago. That night when Jeffrey came over had been playing in my head over and over again endlessly for days. It had been almost a month since we kissed, and not a moment had gone by where I hadn't thought about it. I sighed, sat up, and turned the T.V. off, making my way into my kitchen to pour a glass of red wine for myself. I had just taken a seat on a stool that rested in front of the island in the middle of the room when my phone started to ring. I grabbed it, looked at the name, and saw that is was no one other than Jeffrey. I was hesitant to answer—I couldn't help but find myself avoiding him this past month in an effort to understand what the hell I was thinking. I assumed he had done the same as this was the first time since the "incident" that he had called me.

Jeffrey is getting married. Married! To another woman.

All I could think about was how I would feel if that was my fiancee who kissed another woman—not to mention his best friend whom I had never met! But as my phone continued to ring, I knew there was no use in avoiding the conversation any longer.

"Hello?" I said cautiously into my cell phone as I took a sip of my red wine.

"Hey y/n," Jeffrey said softly. I couldn't help but notice the fact that he sounded rather tired as his voice was coarse and rougher than usual.

"Jeffrey, hey," I slowly said.

"Listen, we really need to talk about what happened that night. I haven't stopped thinking about it since it happened, and...I think we really to talk," Jeffrey stated, sadness present in his voice.

"I feel the same way," I said as I took another sip from my glass of wine.

"How about we meet at that bar that we used to go to all the time after work tomorrow afternoon. We can grab some lunch and talk things over, " he suggested in a sweet tone.

"Sure, I think that's a great idea," I said as a small smile spread across my face.

"Great, then I'll meet you tomorrow at around twelve, alright?" He said, I could tell he was smiling too.

"Okay, I'll see you soon then," I said.

"Bye y/n," Jeffrey said as we both hung up. I finished my glass of wine and placed it in my sink, making my way up to my bedroom where I stepped into my washroom and glanced at myself in the mirror.

What do you want?

That question was ringing in my ears.

What is your heart telling you?

I knew the answer, I just couldn't admit it to myself, or anybody else for that matter.

Tomorrow I will sort this whole mess out with Jeffrey. Then we'll see how things go down from there.

The Next Day:

I arrived at the bar, dressed in a white tank top, high-waisted dark blue jeans, and white sneakers. I looked around and didn't see Jeffery yet, so I took a seat at one of the booths. I took the opportunity to gander at the menu that was placed on top of the table and pondered what I should order. As I looked through the appetizers, I heard the sound of the bell at the doors that always went off when someone entered the bar ring and watched as Jeffrey stood at the entrance.

"Jeffrey," I said as I waved him over, standing up slightly so that he could see me. He nodded as he walked over to the booth I had chosen and sat down across from me.

"Hey you," he said with a smile as he sat down.

"Hey," I said, smiling back at him. I noticed that he was wearing his usual dark grey sweater, navy shirt and black jeans along with his black boots. His black-framed glasses that he had chosen to wear instead of his contacts rested on top of his nose—this was the less fancy but comfy-looking Jeffrey I was used to.

"So, how have you been?" He asked, gazing into my eyes.

"I've been alright I suppose. I've been kind of stressed to be completely honest, with you...about what happened," I said as I looked back into his eyes.

"Same here," he said as he looked away, a certain sadness present in his eyes. The look on his face caused my stomach to tie itself into a knot as I wondered what was going on inside his mind.

I cleared my throat and picked up the menu again and said, "Should we order?"

My attention was immediately drawn to Jeffrey's hands as they slowly put the menu I had in my hands back down on the table, grabbed my hands, and intertwined his with mine instead.

"I think we should talk first," he said as he smiled a small smile at me. I felt my face go red at his words.

I watched as he leaned into me from across the table, still holding my hands as he said, "That night when I went back home, I called Hilarie, my fiancée, and told her what happened."

"You...You did?" I asked curiously, my heart dropping into my stomach slightly. "What did she say?"

"Well, we're not getting married anymore..." he said, sadness in his voice, but a small smile was still present on his face. I was confused.

Why does he seem so happy about that?

My confusion overtook me as I asked, "Why are you smiling?"

He leaned across the table so that our faces were almost touching as he said, "Because that night, for the first time, I realized why I had thought about you all of these years. I realized why it had felt so strange when I had told you that I was getting married, why in my heart I felt as if something was wrong. It was only then when I faced Hilarie personally, and she had asked me what I wanted to do now did I realize that I'm in love with you, y/n."

My heart fell into my stomach, my cheeks turned a bright shade of red, and a smile curved upon my lips.

"Y-you are?" I said.

"Yes, I am. And I truly believe that I have been since the day I met you," Jeffrey said as he removed one of his hands from mine, cupping my face instead. "All of those nights at this very bar, all of those early mornings crashing on your living room floor for the hell of it. I think that I was too scared to express how I felt because I never thought that you'd be interested in such an old geezer like me..." He said as he trailed off.

I removed my hand from his, this time cupping his face in my hands as I said, "Jeffrey, you are the funniest, weirdest, and most handsomest man that I've ever met. Our age difference has never meant a single thing to me. I have always loved you for who you are, and, well...I suppose now that you finally admit it, I took have been in love with you. For a really long time."

God, it feels amazing to finally say it out loud.

The biggest smile spread across Jeffrey's face as he said, "Really?" To prove my point, I leaned into his face and planted a soft but passionate kiss on his lips. I could feel his arms wrap around mine as I pulled his face as close as possible into mine.

He then leaned his forehead against mine, intertwining our hands together again as he softly said, "So, what do you say? Want to give us a shot?"

I pulled away from his face, smiled a big smile at him and said, "Yes, Jeffrey. I'd love to."


Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed the ending of the 'Old Friends' Jeffrey mini-series. My apologies for the long delays in between updates, but high school is a pain sometimes. I hope you understand. But enough about me. How are all of you doing? Are you enjoying this book? Let me know what you want to see next in the comments below and I will try my hardest to get more stories/posts out for you guys. But, before I ramble on more than I already have, I hope you all have a wonderful day/afternoon/evening and thank you so much for being the amazing people that you are.

Much love to all of you😘💕


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