Day 1

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Zinnia and I were friends.
We've known each other since we were little kids in the school playground. We had every thing in common. Both of our last names were Indigo, we were both born on Christmas Eve and at the same time. It was practically a miracle.
Zinnia was a little shy when we met, but I was the first one to say hello, and invited her to come play with me, and we've been friends ever since.

Now that we're in 9th grade, I don't look at Zinnia as my best friend anymore, I look at her like she could be the one for me. I've actually had a crush on her since the 3rd grade, and she hasn't found out about it...yet. But I know for one thing, she'll find out on Christmas Eve, the day of our birthday.

"You? Date Zinnia? Get real!" Liam says, bursting out laughing. He snatches my book out of my hands.
"Stop reading these boring ole' Christmas stories, your fantasy is never gonna come true."
I was in the middle of reading my favorite book, Under the Mistletoe. I randomly found this at my school's book donation and I can't stop reading it.

"Hey!" I yelped.
Liam holds the book higher into the air where I could barley reach it. I may be 14, but I'm short for my height.
"Liam, that is enough! Give him back his book, now!" Danny, my step-father yelled.

I never did get to meet my real dad. He died in a car accident when I was only a year and 2 months old. Liam was 7 when it happened, and was left with sadness and grief. By the time I was 3 and Liam was 9, Mom married Danny and I welcomed him into the family with open arms, and we've gotten along just fine.
Liam, on the other hand, didn't like Danny. The both of them never did get along and always ended up fighting, and still fight to this day. Danny had always felt like he could trust me more than Liam.

Liam throws the book on the ground and I quickly pick it up and find the page I was on.
"Zach, please move over here," Mom instructed, pointing her finger at a beanbag near the kitchen. Danny is cuddle up in one of them in a blanket. I do what I'm told and sit next to Danny. He smiles at me and glares at Liam.

"Being Zinnia's girlfriend, get real," Liam muttered.
Danny rolls his eyes and Mom sighs.
"It could happen," I say, my voice full of confidence.
"She wouldn't date a nerd like you," Liam says.

"I'd like to see you get a girl," Danny says coldly.
Liam is speechless. He stares at Danny, and Danny stares at him. Liam's fist curl up and you could see the annoyance in his expression.

He walks off and disappears into his room. I look up at Danny and smile.
"Thanks Danny," I say. Danny didn't actually mind me calling him by his real name, neither did Mom, expect Mom preferred me and Liam to call her Mom instead of Monica.

"Hey kiddo, I know you can do it," Danny whispers. "Be brave, and don't hold back."
I nod.
At the same time when my father died, Danny also had a divorce. He wanted to tell his wife how he felt, but the girl didn't care and left him, and broke his heart. Danny had always told me to love a girl who loves me for me, and nothing else.

Liam could care less, as he could barley keep a girl. One day they feel in love, and then realized he was a jerk who bullied his younger brother and shoved the nerds into their lockers.
I was the opposite of Liam. I was the boy who cared for everyone, and never put anyone down. I was sure Zinnia and I would make a great pair.

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