Author's note

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In case you readers are wondering what happens after this event, I'll be happy to tell you. Get ready to squeal because this will make your heart do a little dance.

Years past by and everyone is grown up. It's true, it's true, Zachary proposes to Zinnia and they're wedding happens to be on their birthday. Yes, Gary is there too, and gets to do the speech of honor. Liam also opens up to Danny and the two of them get along just fine.
A few months later, the couple is blessed with a daughter, and the daughter is named Lilly. Like her mother, Zinnia becomes an artist and Zachary goes into a music career.

A year later, Gary and Sonya end up marrying. This time, Zach gets to do honor of speech. Months after they're wedding the couple is blessed with twin boys named Aron and Kale.
Gary becomes a teacher while Sonya becomes a famous author.

The two families get along just fine.

Thanks for the support and votes. You guys are true supporters.

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