Day 2

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Zinnia and I were walking home from school. It was a bit cold outside, but that didn't really bother us at all. We needed the exercise and we didn't need to put with all the rough high schoolers.
"What are you doing for the holidays?" I asked.
"I'm attending the Christmas Eve dance. Are you?" Zinnia said.
"A Christmas Eve dance? I didn't know anything about that."
"It's on the day of our 15th birthday. Are you planning to go?"
"Now that you've mentioned it, sure I'll go!"

This would be a perfect idea, since I'm willing to ask Zinnia to be my girl. The party would be taking place at the Royal Blue dance studio. One of the most famous and fancy studios in PineOak City. It's been around since the early 1940's.

We walk through Mable park and enter the little village were a huge Christmas tree was put up. Half the decorations were put up, and the other half stood naked, with a bit of snow on its fern leaves.
The sun was setting and the Christmas tree glowed with beautiful colors of blue, white, red, green and gold. It was beautiful that nobody could take their eyes of off.
This would be a perfect spot to be with Zinnia. Under the Christmas tree, dark outside, and I give her a kiss she'll never forget.

Zinnia goes on about the dance. You couldn't wear anything casual, you had to dress up fancy. There would obviously be a moment where the boy had to ask the girl if she wanted to dance. No boy would be caught dead dancing alone at fancy party.

"I'm not so good at dressing up fancy," I tell Zinnia. "The only thing you'll find me in is a sweater, a tie, and sneakers.
Zinnia shakes her head.
"Don't dress up like rich fancy, just dress up formally, like we did at our 6th grade spring formal dance."
We walk a little longer, slower than usual. We just take the time to admire the Christmas decorations and see the little children playing in the snow.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Zinnia asked.
"I think it's lovely," I respond.
I look down to see a wandering hand. I reached mine out and held onto hers. She didn't seem to notice because of the decorations capturing her eyes, but I didn't care. She was enjoying something she always loved.

"Zinnia?" I said.
She gives me eye contact.
"Is there anything particular you want for Christmas?"
She thinks about this for a while.
"I was thinking about this baby angel doll I've always wanted since I was a little girl. It even comes with a necklace with a small angel figure."

I knew what she was talking about.
I had seen those dolls in boutique shops and they smelled like lavender and roses. I remember grandmother Rosalina had some and gave one to me right before she died. It smelled of daisies and it still sits in my bedroom to this day.
"What do you want for Christmas?" Zinnia asked.
"I really don't care what I get," I respond. "What really matters is that it comes from the heart."

Zinnia hugs me which makes my heart beat a little faster.
"You're sweet, you know that?" Zinnia says.
I smile.
"Thank you," I say. "I take that as a compliment."
"That was a compliment, doofus."
She picks up a snowball and throws it at me. She ends up laughing when she sees me shivering from that snowball. I laugh along with her and end up chasing her through the big courtyard. I don't care how immature we looked, we were being young while it lasted.

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