Day 13

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I had the guts to go to the party.
Everything was elegant, and nowhere near rich fancy. Girls came in dresses of white, red and gold, some even came in blue. Boys came in ties and sweaters, and some came wearing sneakers, although some girls didn't approve. They thought it was un-fancy.

We were supposed to bring gifts. I was able to stop by the little gift shop in the village earlier before the party, and brought the last angel with the necklace. The one wearing a sparkly, silky, dress with long brown curly hair. The wings were even glittery and the angel had a cute face.

"I'm gonna go find Kyle," Veronica, my cousin says. She walks off to go find her boy friend, and I'm left alone in a middle of couples.
I go to set the present on the table when I hear a familiar voice.
"Get away from me!" It said, and all of a sudden, Zinnia appears.
"I can explain!" Gary yells.
"No you cannot! Talking about my friends like that. You got me away from him so you could make him feel jealous!"
Zinnia storms out the entrance of the dance studio. With the present I hold still inches away from the table, I tuck it under my arm and run after her.

I see her sitting under the big Christmas tree. She's got her face buried in her arms and she's crying.
I walk over and sit next to her.
"Zinnia?" I say calmly.
She looks up at me.
"Zach! It's you!" She exclaims and then she hugs me. "I'm so sorry! I should've listen to you before! Being with Gary was a mistake. You are right, I am the foolish one."

I shake my head.
"I take that back," I say. "You're not foolish, it was all just a big misunderstanding. It's Gary that's the foolish one. I took things the wrong way."
She nods.
"I want to be friends again. I can't stand being without you. I've have to admit, I did ditch you for the last couple of days, and I feel so horrible thinking about it."
I hug her.
"It's okay. Let it go. I'll always forgive."
She smiles and sits back down on the wall surrounding the Christmas tree.
"Here's a present for you," I say, handing Zinnia the box. It was rapped in snowman wrapping paper and stuck on with a green bow on top.
Zinnia takes the present and opens it up. Her face glows up when she sees the angel.
"Oh Zachary Indigo! This is so lovely!" She exclaims. "Thank you!"

She hands me a present and I open it up to see a little nutcracker holding a candy cane and wearing a top hat.
"Thank you!" I say.
"You're welcome."

"I wanted to ask you something."
"What's that?"

I get down on my right knee and take the necklace out of my pants jacket.
"You've probably never noticed, but I like you. Like like you. I've enjoyed every moment with you and you make me smile. We have everything in common to having the same birthdays, same age, and even same last names. I find it a miracle being with you. So please, will you be my girl tonight? And forever we shall live?"

Zinnia squeals.
"Yes! Yes Zachary! I'd love too!"
I put the necklace over her neck. She admires the little angel and the angel admires her. She smiles.
"Happy birthday," we chorused.
We both leaned in, and kissed. And that was the best kiss I've ever had.

All of a sudden, it starts to snow, and everyone from the dance claps and cheers chanting our names. Some of the girls already came up with shipping names like Zinnary or Zacnnia.
I look up and I see Gary. He walks over to us and gives me a thumbs up.
"Sorry for being a jerk," he says. "I'm glad you two are together. Can we be friends again?"
"Sure," I say. "Let's all go and enjoy ourselves."
"Live while we're young!" Gary yells and we all run off laughing.

Me and Zinnia were officially 15. And today was the best birthday we've ever celebrated.

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