Day 3

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On Saturdays, I help my aunt Julie with her bookshop. It's really fun and there are lots of books for me to read during my break.
Julie is Danny's older sister, and like Danny himself, loved to read, so she decided to open up her own bookshop right in the middle of the Royal Blue village. So far, Bluebell Bookshop has been successful since I was a little boy.

It was just me and Julie and a few other customers. Because Julie's bookshop is so popular, some people from out of town come and visit around the holidays.
Of course, Liam didn't participate as him and his buddies were usually busy taking care of their business. Probably practicing their band songs and destroying a random drum set.

I was on break, curled up in the kiddie section, reading a book that was actually for high schoolers. I didn't mind sitting in the kiddie corner because it's always been my favorite place.
Julie is putting away books while another girl named Dani is preparing the beverages and snacks. Dani is one of Julie's friend from middle school, and they've been friends ever since. Her husband works at an arts and craft store and the couple was just blessed with twin baby boys almost a month ago.

"So Zach, word on the street is that you're gonna ask a girl to be your girlfriend on your birthday," Dani says, arranging the Santa and Christmas tree lollipops.
"It's true," Julie spoke up. "Danny went on and on about it on the phone the other day. He was so proud he was practically crying."
Dani rolls her eyes.
"Dramatic much?" She asked and the both of them start laughing. I giggle a little, which distracts me from the book that I'm reading. Stick figure Boy. I left my other book at home trying to get to work on time.

"It's true," I say. "I've got some feelings for Zinnia and it's time to tell her. But how do I exactly tell her?"
Dani sighs.
"Tell her everything from your heart," Julie advises. "Don't be shy. Tell her while you can because some other boy could sweep her off her feet any day."

I felt a shiver go down my spine.
My other friend, Samuel, had a crush on a rich girl back in 3rd grade. He was going to tell her how she felt, but it was to late. A rich boy moved in two weeks after Thanksgiving break and the rich girl fell head over heals for him. They became a couple and that broke Samuel's heart. Apparently after the 6th grade, Samuel moved and fell in love with a girl from Hawaii, and the rich couple broke up after the 7th grade.
Samuel was a pretty cool guy and was known to be the cutest boy in the 3rd grade. He was quiet, and everybody knew he had a crush on the rich girl. But what Samuel didn't know was that the rich girl was snobby and nobody liked her, expect for the girls that were in her clique.

"You can do it, Zach, I believe in you!" Dani exclaims, pumping her fist into the air.
I looked over to Julie.
"Did you ever have a crush on someone?" I asked her.
Julie sighs.
"I had a crush on this boy in high school. I never did tell him how I felt, and so sooner or later, that guy ended up dating one of the cheerleaders. Gee, just to here that snobby cheerleader go on and on about her dating him drove us all crazy."

"Uh oh, that's not so good," I say, scrunching my face up a little. I put down the book I was reading and started to pay full attention. Dani was nice to bring me over a Christmas tree lollipop and warm cocoa.
I was starting to relax a little. I put the lollipop in my bag as I was going to save that for later, and took a small sip of my drink.
It was Dani's turn to share about her crush. It happened when she was in the 3rd grade. She and another girl fought over who was going to take the cutest boy to the dance, but none of them won the fight and one of the band nerds took him instead.

I couldn't help but laugh and Dani calls me a little kid. She's always calling me that, but in a good way since I don't act like the other teens that grow up way to fast.
My break ends and I help Julie put the new books away on the shelves, along with helping the people find their ways to certain sections. I even get to help the little kids make winter bookmarks for their books, and make one of my own.

Today was a pretty easy day, and it goes by fast. The shop closes at 3:30 and everybody goes home to relax.

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