Day 11

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Building a snowman with Sonya wasn't so bad. We hadn't build just one, but 4 snowmen. It was the best way to past the time. And to make things more fun, both Anya and her father took us sledding near Hollyhocks Hills.
But now the day was nearly over, and Sonya has to get ready to leave to go to Florida for her older cousin's Christmas wedding, and I'm stuck back here in Royal Blue, Missouri.

After all the fun activity, Mom and Danny take me to go pick out my Christmas formal wear for the Christmas Eve party, which came by so quickly. Only 3 days away. There was no point in going, especially when Zinnia was taken.
Already, Mom found 3 ties the color of Christmas. Red, gold and green. Greg actually decided to come to the dance, too, so he was looking for something fancy to wear.

"Which tie do you like?" Mom asked, looking at its features. The red one really stood out, as it sparkles like Zinnia's Christmas tree necklace.
"The red one looks nice," I answered. I try it on and it fits perfectly. So far Mom and I picked out a blue collared shirt, green sweater with a Christmas tree, dark blue jeans, golden sneakers, and a golden fedora. I looked like one of those teenager boys in the catalogs the girls would die for. Danny couldn't stop taking pictures of me, and it was kind of embarrassing.

Liam looked like he didn't want to be here. He walks around in circle, looking bored and urged Danny to let him go to a nearby music shop. In Danny's eyes, the answer was no, especially for a teen who was 17. Last time he was allowed to go somewhere alone, he caused a ruckus that ended up on the news.

Liam (who was 15 at the time) was hanging with his friends here at OakTree Mall. (Mind you, there are other malls here in Royal Blue, Missouri, we just tend to go here often). Something happened between the 4 boys and a fight happened, and it even involved a mall cop. Someone by the name of Billy Bob recorded the whole thing, and it went on the internet. Danny found the video on Facebook, and took it down before anyone else could get to it.
To this day, Danny had never let Liam hear the end it of, but Liam doesn't regret anything at all.

"Well, it seems like we've got everything, including a suit for Greg, how about we go downstairs to the food court," Mom says.
We all nodded in agreement.

Just as we were all getting ready to leave, I see Zinnia.
"Hello Zach!" She exclaims, and then she skates around on her new winter boots, which they were from, you guess it, Gary Sullivan.
"Hi, Zinnia," I say with a sly smile. I give her a little wave.
"You should see my new dress," Zinnia brags. "It's so cute. It's red and sparkly and I brought a pair of golden flats to go with it."
"Cool," I say.
I then look down at the floor.
"You wanna come to the food court with us?" I asked, pointing to my parents.

Zinnia shakes her head.
"I've gotta meet Gary near the Galaxy Star store. You know where-"
"Everybody keeps up with the latest trends," I interrupted, sighing.
I then look at the ground again.
"Zinnia? I've noticed you've been spending a lot of time with Gary. What about me? I exist," I say. "You've been ignoring me lately, and I don't like it all."
Zinnia smiles.
"Maybe it's cause, I like Gary. Like, like him," she confesses.
My heart shatters and I want to cry again.

I overhear Danny growl under his breath and I see Greg roll his eyes.
"So you're saying you'll dump him for me?" I asked.
"No! Not at all!"
Tears form in my eyes.
"It looks like it! He's even kissed you twice in front of my face!"
"That was once! When was the other time it happened?"
"I saw you two last week in Galaxy Star, and you two kissed! I saw!"
I try so hard to hold back the tears, but they slip anyways.
"You know darn well I hate Gary, and he hates me! He's hated me since the 4th grade! 4th grade!"
Zinnia is frowning at me.
"Zach, you need to learn to trust-"
"I've already stinkin' have!" I yelled. There weren't a lot of people in Trend Wear, so it wasn't a big deal if only the cashier was staring.
"I've lost my trust in Gary! He's a jerk! He grabbed you away from me so he would make me feel jealous! He's brought you so many things that you do not need! What about those Christmas boots I brought you last year! It seems like you stopped wearing those!"
"Zachary Indigo, stop it! You're making a fool out of yourself," Zinnia hissed.
"I'm not the fool, you are Zinnia Indigo! You can't see that Gary is making me feel jealous! I wanted to ask you to the dance! I wanted to kiss you! I even was gonna buy you that little angel doll you wanted!"
"What angel doll?"
"Oh, it seems like you forgot it about now due to the fact that all your attention has turned to Gary! The angel doll with the necklace!"
I could feel my anger get to me.
"You know what Zach? If you can't appreciate Gary, then don't even talk to me!"
Zinnia says and storms away.

"Aggh!" Was the only thing I could get out my mouth. I stormed towards my family and burst out crying.
"Didn't I tell you to-" Greg started to say but Danny told him to shut up. Liam was snickering until Mom punched him on the arm and told him to shut up.

Zinnia appears one last time and Danny glares at her. Zinnia rolls her eyes and walks away. That was the end of our friendship, and I didn't really even care.

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