A Gallagher Wedding ... Maybe Four

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Hey my earthlings I really like the Gallagher Girls Series even if I haven't finished it yet so here I a story about the after life of our beloved spies. It's not necessary to have read the books just look up the summary for all the books on Wikipedia and you will get it!
Let's get started!!!!


Cammie POV

"Ugh, stupid make-up," I said under my breath as I pulled out another tissue. Zach just stood there with a smirk on his face.

"Why are you smirking, this isn't funny, I look like a wreck, we have been gone for an hour, people are going to notice the ring. I just don't want to ruin my moms night," I said with a grone.

"Gallagher Girl, you look fine," he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to him.

"Zach, people are going to notice, and we have been gone a while. I don't want to ruin my moms night," I said again, "Zach, maybe we should wait-" but I didn't get to finish because Zach spun me around and kissed me on the lips. At first I was surprise, but the feeling of his lips on mine is as familiar to me as the way my hair gets when it rains. I relaxed into him and let him kiss me knowing he wanted more, but wasn't getting any. Finally I pulled away and looked up at him.

"What am I going to do with you? Come on we have to go, now. I can guarantee people think we are off somewhere making out," I said

"Fine I'll come back to the party. Your going to hide the ring aren't you?" He said with a longing look on his face. I knew what he wanted but we didn't have the time to make out right now.

I shot him a glare and he simply said, "Fine, I wont say anything about the ring or about how beautiful you look."

I'm proud to say I did the mature thing and stuck my tongue out at him.

"You know Macey's going to kill you for making me cry and ruining my make-up, right?" I said as we walked out of the women's restroom. Zach had insisted on coming with me considering I was sobbing my eyes out. Sure they were happy tears, but I'm pretty sure he just wanted a reason to hold me.

"I don't care, I'm the happiest person in the world. You just told me you would marry me, how could she kill me then?"

"Lets go Zach," I said with a bit of irritation in my voice.


When we got back to the reception I went over to talk to my mother and Zach went to talk to Mr. Solomon, my teacher, well teacher that just became my step dad, who also happened to be the best friend of my dad before he died.

"CONGRATS!" I hugged my mom hoping she wouldn't see my ring even though she's the greatest spy ever. After I hugged her she looked at me, then at Zach, then back at me.

"Kiddo, were y'all just-" she looked at me and I got what she was hinting at. She was wondering if we had done it.

"Gosh mom, no. As much as Zach wants to, no. Besides doing it at a wedding is totally against the rules."

"Since when do you follow the rules!?" She said and I knew she had a good point. "So kiddo, if y'all aren't doing it then why are both of y'all late and acting so weird?"

"Oh we were just talking and then I had to run to the restroom and Zach insisted on coming," I responded hoping she wouldn't ask any more questions.

"Ya sure, we are so talking about this later. No way are you and Zach going to be keeping secrets from us. Now go enjoy the party before Macey sees that your make-up isn't perfect.


We danced all night, and had cake and drinks. I hadn't seen my mom this happy in a long time and I'm glad to see her be happy with another man. Since my mom was the Headmistress at The Gallagher Girl Academy she promised Bex, Liz, Macey, and I that no one would ever be in our old room, so we decided to have a sleepover for old times sake. I was pretty tired so I told them that I was just gonna turn in for the night and we could just stay another day or two. I woke up knowing they were whispering, but I'm a spy who was taught at the greatest spy academy for years and I have good spy parents plus they don't give you the nick-name chameleon for nothing.

"Why didn't she tell us?!" It was Bex and she was whisper-yelling. They were so talking about me other wise I would be in the conversation.

"Maybe it just happened," Liz said defending me

"I don't care if she didn't tell us, I just want to know when they decided to get engaged and when she's going to tell us." Macey said

Bex looked at Macey and a look of terror came across her face. "If they did it, I swear to God, Zach is going to die," Macey looked at Bex and said, "I will happily help."

Liz looked at them like she was seeing a ghost then mumbled, "I thought we liked Zach..."

"Liz we do but I don't want him hurting her at all. I know he will protect her but with everything they have been through the last thing she needs is a kid."

It made me smile, listening to them plan on how to make sure he was treating me right, then they would start saying how they knew he was good. It got me thinking about him and I ended up dreaming about our life together while wearing my engagement ring.


I woke up in the middle of the night for some reason, and just like old times I decided to take a walk through the halls. I miss those days Zach would sneak in and I would wake up in his arms. I looked down at my left hand remembering, last night was a perfectly perfect night. I still can't believe I'm engaged. On my way out of the room I remembered that my room mates like to follow me. They were all sound asleep. As I descended the big stairs I saw my fiancé standing there looking dark and mysterious. I ran to his arms and jumped into them. When ever I was in his arms I was always safe and happy.

"Were you the one to wake me?" I asked looking into his eyes.

He smiled and simply said, "I've always had a way of waking you without waking the others, haven't I?"

We ended up going to our secret passageway. I had showed him it in our last semester at school. No one but me and him knew about it and we liked it that way. Once we got to the window that over looked a beautiful view of the whole campus he sank into the beanbag and pulled me down with him.

"I love you Zach, you know that right?"

He looked in to my eyes and said, "You know I love you more." That's when he kissed me, and it was different this time. It was like he loved me even more than he ever had.

Once I pulled away I saw the longing in his eyes before he could cover it. I was desperate for a topic change, so I told him about what I had heard earlier.

"Wow, the fact that your mom and friends all think we are doing it is weird. We must be a pretty convincing couple."

"Zach we have been together for a long time, we're THE convincing couple," I said with a laugh.

We sat there a little while longer just dreaming and speaking every now and then. I was drawing imaginary designs on his hand and he was sitting there holding me in his embrace.

"Cam, I think it's time you go back to bed."

"I don't want to leave you," I said with a pouty face.

"Come on, Ill come with you." He picked me up princess style and carried me all the way up the stairs. I leaned my head against his chest, loving how much he cared for me. He opened the door very slowly so no one could here and took me to my bed. Once he had layed me down and tucked me in he started to leave, but I grabbed his hand and pulled him down to me. I fell asleep with his arms around me, not caring that the girls were going to kill me in the morning.


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