A Gallagher Wedding ... Maybe Four

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Cammie POV

."About what?" I said knowing what was coming then I added, "So you got mad at Zach and I for not using protection, when you two were doing the same thing?!"Bex just laughed and said, "Hey WE were, but I may or may not have forgotten to take my pill one day..."

I just face palmed myself while shaking my head. I glanced at Zach and he just laughed and said to Grant, "I know who my partner in daddy class is going to be. Preston buddy, what time are you free?"

With that everyone was laughing. Then I looked at them and said, "So I guess we are going to have to give up the mission."

"You know Cam, as much as we all wanted to go to Cuba, I think we deserve a break. We have defeated the COC and its time we all go do something stupid and fun," Bex said with a 'you don't have a choice now' tone. Then I groaned as she continued, "You know what that means?! Strip Truth or Dare!"

"BEX! We have to move in and-"

I didn't get to finish because I felt Zach rap his arms around my waist and whisper, "You know Gallagher Girl, just because your pregnant with triplets doesn't mean your not incredibly hot."

I smacked him and he wince smirked. I then went on to say, "Fine, we can play. On one condition," I said noting all the groans.

"We play in teams, and if any of us girls start to feel sick," I glanced at Bex and Macey, "Or if we feel uncomfortable with a dare," I glanced at Liz, "Then we have the right to stop or choose Truth."

All the girls were laughing and the boys sat there knowing not to fight with me since I was high on hormones.

"Deal!" All the guys said in union.

"So when do we move in?" Liz asked

"Ya, funny story. All y'all have to do is pack your clothes and anything else you need because it's already furnished," Grant said with a slight grin

"Wrong," Zach said then added, "We already packed for y'all. Everything you need is in the house already. Just so y'all know it has state of the art security. When the babies come there is absolutely no way anyone will have the ability to enter the house unless we give permission. Its about 13.723 acres of open land were the house sits on and then about 3.224 acres surrounds it with a thick forest. There is a gate around the forest and security all through it. There is a pond just like the Gallagher pond and it has a cavern underneath it too."

We all just stood there in shock when I finally spoke I smirked and said, "So, we can leave now?"

Zach just smirked right back at me and said, "Well, are you ready?"


3 hours and 27 minutes later

"Bye Mom! Give us one night then everyone can come over," I said as I got in the car. She stood there with Joe behind her waving.

A few seconds later I got a text that said 'Surprise! Abby and Townsend are coming in town! ~Rachel'

I smiled at Zach and then said to the group, "Okay everyone, we have one night to get into shape and get to know the place. Tomorrow we are going to have a lot of company!"

Everyone just smiled and started talking among themselves as Zach whispered in my ear, "I know your going to miss your secret passage ways, but I have a surprise. There are secret passage ways all over the house. No one knows where they are or how to access them though. It's a little bit of Gallagher you get to keep."

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